Module 1 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 1- - Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) Throughout her career, the distinguished writer devoted herself to ______ issues of social justice and shedding light on the stories and experiences of marginalized groups. Her work has become a powerful voice for change.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) The traditional attire was celebrated for its _____ workmanship and intricate designs. It showcased the skill and dedication of the artisans, who were highly regarded in their community.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) The influential political leader was known for her ability to navigate complex situations with finesse and diplomatic skill, often resulting in ______ resolutions that benefited all parties involved.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) The foreign delegate's ______ command of the local language allowed him to facilitate diplomatic discussions and diplomacy with finesse and ease, earning the respect of his colleagues and counterparts.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

5) The entrepreneur's ______ spirit was reflected in her continuous pursuit of innovation and her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom in her industry.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) In his 1936 essay 'Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren,' John Maynard Keynes predicted that, with technological advancements and increased productivity, future generations would experience reduced working hours and increased leisure time. He envisaged that by the 21st century, the standard work week would be as little as 15 hours, allowing for a greater focus on personal fulfillment and enjoyment. While Keynes' prediction has not fully materialized, ongoing debates about work-life balance, remote work, and flexible schedules indicate that the notion of redefining the work week remains relevant today.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

7) In 2010, Instagram was launched as a photo-sharing app that allowed users to take pictures, apply digital filters, and share them on various social media platforms. Created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram quickly gained popularity, and by the end of its first week, it had garnered over 100,000 users. The app's success caught the attention of Facebook, which acquired Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion in cash and stock. Since then, Instagram has continued to evolve, with new features such as Stories, IGTV, and Reels, all of which have prompted further user engagement and growth.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

8) In his influential book, 'The Power of Now,' author Christopher Johnson emphasizes the importance of embracing mindfulness and living in the present moment. He argues that many individuals suffer from stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction because they are preoccupied with past regrets or future worries, rather than focusing on the present. Throughout the book, Johnson offers practical advice and strategies for developing a more mindful approach to life. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) An education researcher, Dr. Sandra Thompson, has recently explored the impact of incorporating music education into early childhood curricula on the development of academic and social skills. Dr. Thompson argues that introducing music education from an early age could lead to improved cognitive abilities, literacy skills, and emotional regulation in children. To test her theory, Dr. Thompson conducted a study in which she compared the development of academic and social skills in two groups of preschool-aged children: one group that participated in an enriched music program as part of their standard curriculum, and another group that followed a typical preschool curriculum without any specific music-related activities. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Thompson's theory?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) Dr. Alice Mitchell, a public health expert, has conducted a study to examine the effectiveness of community-based intervention programs in reducing obesity rates among urban adolescents. Dr. Mitchell believes that implementing comprehensive programs that emphasize the importance of healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and family involvement could have a positive impact on reducing obesity rates in this population. To test her hypothesis, Dr. Mitchell compared the outcomes of adolescents participating in a comprehensive community-based intervention program, including nutrition education, physical fitness classes, and family support, with the outcomes of those enrolled in a standard after-school program that did not focus specifically on obesity prevention. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Mitchell's hypothesis?

Category: graphverbal


The metropolitan city of Greenway has always been at the forefront of promoting sustainable living practices. As vehicle emissions continued to contribute to urban pollution levels, the city council decided to act by improving the public transportation system. Under the "Ride Green, Live Clean" initiative, Greenway upgraded its buses to eco-friendly models, expanded transit routes, and introduced discounted monthly passes. The council's ultimate objective was to cut down individual car use by increasing public transportation ridership to surpass personal vehicle trips within five years.__________

Which of the following would be a proper conclusion to the paragraph based on the information in the scatter plot that tracks public transportation usage and personal vehicle trips in Greenway over the last five years?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) Ocean acidification, a major environmental issue, is caused primarily by the absorption of carbon dioxide by seawater, which results in a decrease in pH levels. This has serious implications for marine ecosystems and, in particular, for shell-building organisms such as mollusks and coral reefs. If concerted global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are successful, it is expected that _______ Which choice most logically completes the text? Uncategorized

Category: verbal-complaation

13) Advancements in renewable energy technology, such as solar power and wind power, have led to increased adoption of these sustainable energy sources as alternatives to fossil fuels. However, the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation, relying heavily on factors like sunlight and wind, makes energy storage an important consideration. The development of efficient and cost-effective energy storage solutions could _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

14) The gardening club tended to the community garden carefully, planting various flowers, fruits, and vegetables throughout the area; they frequently watered and weeded to maintain the garden's health. As the growing season progressed, the garden bloomed beautifully ________ the community appreciated the hard work of the club members.

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

15) The photography club organized an outdoor excursion to capture the beauty of the nearby national park. Club members spent the day exploring the park, taking pictures of pristine landscapes, diverse wildlife, and stunning vistas ________ they shared their best photographs during their next club meeting.

Category: verbal-subject veb agreement

16) Advancements in technology and medicine ____________ the lives of countless people worldwide, from improved healthcare to increased access to information and resources.

Category: verbal-modifiers

17) As a highly dedicated athlete, Maria devoted countless hours to training and practice in her pursuit of excellence. Her efforts ultimately paid off when she won a prestigious national competition, becoming _______________________________________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

18) The talented artist, ____________________, competed in the prestigious nationwide contest.

Category: verbal-commas

19) During the road trip, they saw numerous unique sights such as grand canyons, scenic coastlines, and_______.

Category: verbal-commas

20) Inside the cave, they discovered a variety of geological formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, and__________.

Category: verbal-Tense

21) As the fire spread rapidly, Maria frantically _______ for the nearest fire exit, her heart pounding in her chest.
Which choice completes the text following the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal-paralelism

22) Nancy is dedicated to exercising daily, eating a balanced diet, and ____. She believes that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to her overall well-being.

Category: verbal-paralelism

23) The architect aimed to design innovative structures, create sustainable building materials, and ____. These goals reflected his forward-thinking approach to his profession.

Category: verbal-transitions

24) Dr. Johnson's research in the field of neuroscience has led to groundbreaking discoveries regarding the brain's plasticity and ability to heal after injury. _______, his engaging lectures and commitment to mentoring students have earned him the title of a beloved professor at his university. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

25) Solar energy is a promising and sustainable source of renewable power, capable of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. _______, ongoing research and development efforts aim to improve solar panel efficiency and decrease production costs, making this energy source more accessible for the general population. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Urban green spaces are areas with natural vegetation and habitats integrated into city environments.

• Examples of urban green spaces include parks, gardens, and green rooftops.

• Green spaces can help mitigate the impacts of urbanization, such as air pollution and the urban heat island effect.

• Urban green spaces promote physical and mental well-being for city residents and provide habitats for wildlife.

The student wants to emphasize the benefits of urban green spaces for city environments and their residents. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal power.

• These sources are considered sustainable as they have a minimal impact on the environment and can be replenished.

• The adoption of renewable energy can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

• Promotion of renewables is essential for global efforts to combat climate change and achieve environmental sustainability.

The student wants to advocate for the increased use of renewable energy sources. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

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Module 2 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 2- Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) The athletes' rigorous training program did not leave any room for ______, as their coaches believed that every moment spent away from practice would weaken their chances of success at the upcoming competition.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) The artist's use of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes resulted in a visual experience that was both ______ and captivating, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) Much to the surprise of his classmates, the quiet student who rarely participated in class discussions gave a well-organized and eloquent speech at the graduation ceremony. His _______ left a lasting impression on those who attended.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) As a renowned historian, Professor Smith possesses a wealth of knowledge and a(n) ______ memory, which allows her to recall even the most obscure facts about historical events.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

5) In 1943, Nobel Prize-winning physicist and inventor Edwin H. Land founded the Polaroid Corporation, a pioneering company in the field of instant film photography. Land's most famous invention was the instant camera, the first of which, the Polaroid Model 95 Land Camera, hit the market in 1948. By introducing a means to produce a photographic print minutes after taking a picture, the Polaroid camera revolutionized photography, making it more accessible and convenient for amateurs and professionals alike. Despite the decline of instant film photography in the digital age, the instant camera remains an important symbol of photographic innovation.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) In the early 20th century, American inventor and businessman Thomas Edison founded the first film production studio, called Black Maria, in West Orange, New Jersey. The studio, a small, box-like building with a retractable roof that allowed natural light to enter, was responsible for the production of numerous short films each year, many of which were recorded on Edison's kinetoscope. Black Maria's establishment marked the beginning of the motion picture industry and served as a precursor to modern film studios, setting the stage for a new era of entertainment.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

7) At a recent conference, education experts discussed the growing importance of digital literacy in today's world. Dr. Emma Johnson argued that students need to be taught the skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape, including critical thinking, online collaboration, and responsible use of technology.Many teachers are incorporating these skills into their lessons, preparing students for a technology-driven future. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbalparagraphcomparison3

8) Text 1:
A recent study found that a particular gene variant is associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The gene variant is found in about 1 in 5 people and is believed to affect the production of a protein that plays a role in the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain.

Text 2:
A new study has called into question the link between this gene variant and Alzheimer's disease. The study found that while the gene variant is associated with an increased risk of developing amyloid plaques, it is not associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The researchers suggest that other factors, such as lifestyle and environment, may play a larger role in the development of the disease.

Based on the texts, what would the researchers in Text 2 most likely say about the findings in Text 1?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) The Mediterranean diet, which consists mainly of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil, has been linked to numerous health benefits. Some nutritionists claim that the Mediterranean diet can lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes more efficiently than other diets. Which finding, if true, would most directly support this claim?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) On the island of Madagascar, the critically endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) lives in the island's eastern rainforests. The lemurs are essential for the pollination of many plants within the rainforest, as their only food source is nectar, fruit, and leaves of certain plants. Environmentalists have been lobbying for the protection of these lemurs as a way to also conserve the plants that are vital to their ecosystem. Which finding, if true, would most directly support the environmentalists' claim?

Category: graphverbal


At ShopMax, analyzing sales patterns has been key in adapting to changing consumer behaviors over the years. From 2018 to 2022, the retailer has seen a shift in its sales dynamics. Total sales have grown steadily, showing the company's ability to attract additional revenue annually. This trend is particularly notable in ShopMax's online storefront, which has become increasingly popular among customers. A closer look at the distribution between online and in-store sales reveals a fascinating change in shopper preferences, as the online platform consistently draws a larger share of the total sales with each passing year.

According to the data table, which of the following statements is supported by the change in ShopMax's sales patterns from 2018 to 2022?


Category: verbal-complaation

12) The sharing economy, characterized by peer-to-peer sharing of goods and services, has expanded rapidly with the growth of digital platforms such as Uber and Airbnb. These platforms enable users to turn underutilized assets into income-generating opportunities, promoting the efficient use of resources. However, critics argue that the sharing economy can have adverse effects on local communities, such as increasing housing costs and undermining labor rights. If the sharing economy continues to grow and evolve, it could _______ Which choice most logically completes the text? Uncategorized

Category: verbal-complaation

13) Urban agriculture, the practice of cultivating plant and animal products within and around cities, has gained popularity in recent years as a possible means of enhancing food security, sustainability, and community engagement. Examples of urban agriculture range from community gardens to rooftop greenhouses and vertical farming installations. The integration of urban agriculture initiatives into city planning and design may help address a variety of challenges, including food access, environmental impact, and public health. If urban agriculture initiatives can be successfully scaled and integrated into comprehensive urban development strategies, they might _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-Tense

14) Last year, the local government _______ a significant amount of their budget to renewable energy projects.
Which choice fills the gap according to Standard English rules?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

15) Rachel's book collection is extensive, spanning multiple genres and time periods. She especially enjoys historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy novels ___________ works by Jane Austen, H.G. Wells, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

16) After a long day at work, Emily enjoys relaxing at home in various ways ___________ watching her favorite TV shows while sipping hot chocolate.

Category: verbal-paralelism

17) Students should ensure they attend all classes, complete the assigned readings, and ____. Developing good habits early on will help them succeed throughout their academic journey.

Category: verbal-commas

18) Before the class began, the teacher reminded the students to have their notebooks, textbooks, and pencils ready.__________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) The science fair at the local elementary school was a major success. The students worked tirelessly, conducting experiments, documenting their findings, and presenting their projects to a panel of experts.__________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

20) The ancient ruins, steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, fascinated experts and tourists alike. Painstakingly excavated over the years and carefully preserved, __________________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-redundancy

21) To ensure the success of their upcoming academic year, the high school created a unique learning program that combines face-to-face instruction with online learning opportunities. This hybrid form of education, called _________, offers students the best of both worlds.

Category: verbal-transitions

22) Cycling is an efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transportation that can reduce traffic congestion within urban areas. _______, it offers many health benefits, making it an ideal option for those who wish to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routine. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

23) Organic farming methods have been gaining popularity worldwide due to their environmentally friendly practices, such as composting and crop rotation. _______, organically produced foods tend to command higher prices in the market, deterring some consumers from adopting fully organic diets. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

24) Research has shown that regular exercise can help prevent a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. _______, exercise has been found to promote overall mood and well-being, making it an essential component of a balanced lifestyle. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

25) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Urban green spaces are areas with natural vegetation and habitats integrated into city environments.

• Examples of urban green spaces include parks, gardens, and green rooftops.

• Green spaces can help mitigate the impacts of urbanization, such as air pollution and the urban heat island effect.

• Urban green spaces promote physical and mental well-being for city residents and provide habitats for wildlife.

The student wants to emphasize the benefits of urban green spaces for city environments and their residents. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity.

• His most famous equation is E = mc², which explains the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light.

• Einstein's work has had a significant impact on physics, as well as other fields like cosmology, nuclear energy, and time travel.

• He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

The student wants to capture the essence of Einstein's impact on science. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks usually requiring human intelligence.

• AI has applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and customer service.

• While AI technologies can increase efficiency and productivity, they may also lead to potential job displacement.

• Ethical considerations, such as bias and confidentiality, must also be addressed when implementing AI systems.

The student wants to communicate the potential benefits and challenges of utilizing artificial intelligence in various industries. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Module 1 - Math

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-Math Module 1- Module

1 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

1. A company produces 500 widgets every day, and the production rate increases by 2% each month. If the company continues to increase its production at the same rate, approximately how many widgets will it produce in the first 8 months?

2 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

2. A car rental company charges a flat fee of $25 per day and an additional $0.15 per mile driven. If a customer rents a car for 3 days and drives 100 miles, what will the total cost be?

3 / 24

Category: math-statistics

3. The weight of apples in a grocery store is normally distributed, with a mean weight of 150 grams and a standard deviation of 10 grams. What is the approximate weight of an apple that is one standard deviation above the mean?

4 / 24

Category: math-statistics

4. The ages of 4 siblings are 5, 7, 9, and 12. What is the average age of the siblings?

5 / 24

Category: math-statistics

5. The annual incomes of five people are $45,000, $60,000, $65,000, $50,000, and $70,000. What is the range of their incomes?

6 / 24

Category: math-grid

6. A right triangle has legs of length 7 cm and 24 cm and a hypotenuse of length 25 cm. What is the area of the triangle, in square centimeters?

7 / 24

Category: math-grid

7. The price of a train ticket was increased by 25% to cover fuel costs. If the price was originally $40, what is the final cost of the ticket?

8 / 24

Category: math-grid

8. Melanie invests $1000 at a simple annual interest rate of 5%. At the end of two years, what will her investment be worth in dollars?

9 / 24

Category: math-grid

9. The age of Joseph is three times the age of his brother James, and the age of James is twice the age of his sister Emily. If Emily is 4 years old, how old is Joseph?

10 / 24

Category: math-algebra

10. Simplify the following expression: (3x² - 2x + 4) + (2x² + x - 3).

11 / 24

Category: math-algebra

11. For which value of x is the function f(x) = x³ - x² - 6x equal to 0?

12 / 24

Category: math-algebra

12. In the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, which of the following expressions represents the sum of the solutions x1 and x2?

13 / 24

Category: math-polynomials

13. Find the product: (2x + 3)(x² - x + 4)

14 / 24

Category: math-sequences

14. Given an arithmetic sequence with the first term a₁ = 7 and a common difference of d = -3, what is the sum of the first 9 terms?

15 / 24

Category: math-sequences

15. The first three terms of a geometric sequence are 12, 6, and 3. What is the sum of the first 8 terms of the sequence?

16 / 24

Category: math-geometry

16. The sides of a right triangle measure 5 cm, 12 cm, and 13 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

17 / 24

Category: math-geometry

17. What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line passing through the points (5, 2) and (9, 10)?

18 / 24

Category: math-trigonometry

18. A right triangle with a hypotenuse of length 20 cm has one angle measuring 30°. What is the length of the side opposite the 30° angle?

19 / 24

Category: math-graph


The graph shows the payment scheme that Company Y offers to each of its salesmen. According to this payment scheme, part of a salesman’s monthly payment P in thousand dollars is based on the sales S in thousand dollars they make during the specific month.

What does the P-intercept represent in the graph?

20 / 24

Category: math-graph


What is the slope of the line graphed in the xy-plane?

21 / 24

Category: math-graph


In the figure shown, BC = 5, and the length of line segment AD is half the length of line segment CD. What is the length of line segment DE?

22 / 24

Category: math-graph


The function f(x) is graphed . If g(x) = f(x)-1, which of the following statements is true?


23 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

23. A recipe requires 7 cups of flour for every 15 cookies. If you want to make 45 cookies, how many cups of flour do you need?

24 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

24. A factory produces 800 toys every 8 hours. If the factory operates for 20 hours, but during the last 5 hours, the production rate is increased by 50%, how many toys will the factory produce in total during the 20-hour period?

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Module 2 - Math

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-Math Module 2- Module

1. Alex wants to save $250 for a new smartphone. He saves $50 each week. How many weeks will he need to save the required amount of money?

2. If 3 pounds of grapes cost $6, how much will 10 pounds of grapes cost?

3. In a class of 12 students, the average test score is 75. If one student has an unusually high score of 100, what is the average of the other 11 students' test scores?

4. A pair of unbiased dice are thrown. What is the probability of getting a total of 8 from the two dice?

5. A recent survey found that 120 out of 500 people in a community walk to work daily. What is the probability that a person chosen at random from the community walks to work daily?

6. If the length of each side of a square is increased four times, what is the ratio of the area of the new square to the area of the original square?

7. If the price of an item is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%, what is the overall percentage change?

8. . A rectangular garden is 12 meters long and 8 meters wide. If a sidewalk of uniform width is built around the garden, and the area of the sidewalk is equal to the area of the garden, what is the width of the sidewalk?

9. If the slope of a line is -3/4 and the line passes through the point (6, 4), what are a and b in the equation of the line: ax+by = c?

10. Solve the quadratic inequality x² - 6x + 8 < 0.

11. Solve the following system of linear inequalities: y >= 2x - 1 and y <= x + 3.

12. What is the inverse of the function f(x) = 3x - 2?

13. Multiply the polynomials: (x - 4)(x + 3)

14. For a geometric sequence, given the first term a₁ = 3 and the common ratio r = 2, what is the 5th term of the sequence?

15. An arithmetic sequence has the first term a₁ = 3 and the sum of the first 12 terms S₁₂ = 90. What is the common difference of this sequence?

16. If the three interior angles of a quadrilateral are 65, 110, and 140 degrees, what is the measure of the fourth interior angle?

17. A rectangle has a length of 12 cm and a width of 4 cm. What is the length of the diagonal of the rectangle?

18. A right triangle has one angle measuring 45° and sides of lengths 7 cm and 7 cm. Identify the type of the triangle.


The table above shows the masses, in kilograms (kg), and lengths, in centimeters (cm), of the largest known specimens of the 9 most massive types of turtles and tortoises. The mean mass of the 9 turtles and tortoises is approximately 331kg. The mass of the Aldabra giant tortoise is closest to the mean mass. Which of the following is true about the length of the Aldabra giant tortoise in relation to the median length of the 9 turtles and tortoises?


The graph of the function f is shown. Which of the following is a value of x for which f(x) = 0 ?


What is the median of the data set summarized in the frequency table?


The daily high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, for a city in the month of February in 2017 are summarized in the box plot shown. Which of the following is closest to the median of the high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the city in February 2017?

23. In a group of 60 people, 25 people like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, 15 people like only chocolate ice cream, and 12 people like only vanilla ice cream. How many people in the group like neither chocolate nor vanilla ice cream?

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