




































































































Important tip: (1)Go through the flashcards and (2)download the audio to your phone/pc. Listen on repeat (you can also listen on the background while you are focused on a different task.) (3)Then, take the quizzes on this page which have been specifically designed around these 50 words. Repeat the process untill you learn all the words and move on to the next flashcard page.

Quiz 1



1 / 45

1. The panacea for all ills was a myth.

2 / 45

2. The archetype of the hero is a common theme in literature.

3 / 45

3. The platitude was a trite and overused expression.

4 / 45

4. The vestige of the old building was all that remaine

5 / 45

5. The caprice of the fashion industry is constantly changing.

6 / 45

6. The debacle of the war was a disaster for both sides.

7 / 45

7. The nuance of the language was lost in translation.

8 / 45

8. The bastion of the city was a strong and well-defended position.

9 / 45

9. The penchant for chocolate was evident in his waistline.

10 / 45

10. The polemic was a strongly worded attack on the opposing viewpoint.

11 / 45

11. The antipathy between the two countries was evident in their actions.

12 / 45

12. The paradox of the situation was that it was both good and ba

13 / 45

13. The malevolence of the man was evident in his eyes.

14 / 45

14. The quandary of the situation was that there was no easy solution.

15 / 45

15. The lassitude of the woman was evident in her slow and deliberate movements.

16 / 45

16. The enmity between the two friends was evident in their cold and distant behavior.

17 / 45

17. The quiescence of the forest was broken by the sound of a twig snapping.

18 / 45

18. The reverie of the poet was interrupted by the sound of a knock

19 / 45

19. The paean of the crowd was a joyous celebration.

20 / 45

20. The coterie of friends was always there for each other.

21 / 45

21. The impasse in the negotiations was a deadlock.

22 / 45

22. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was a beautiful sight.

23 / 45

23. The collusion between the two companies was illegal.

24 / 45

24. The despot ruled his country with an iron fist.

25 / 45

25. The liability of the company was its debt.

26 / 45

26. The chronicle of the event was a detailed account.

27 / 45

27. The panegyric of the speaker was a glowing tribute.

28 / 45

28. The predilection for chocolate was evident in his diet.

29 / 45

29. The antecedent of the event was the cause.

30 / 45

30. The sinecure of the job was a position with little or no work.

31 / 45

31. The cloister of the monastery was a place of peace and solitude.

32 / 45

32. The disposition of the man was calm and collecte

33 / 45

33. The countenance of the woman was serene and beautiful.

34 / 45

34. The sycophant was a person who flattered others to gain favor.

35 / 45

35. The epicure was a person who enjoyed fine food and wine.

36 / 45

36. The interlocutor was the person with whom one was speaking.

37 / 45

37. The dilettante was a person who dabbled in many things but was not an expert in any.

38 / 45

38. The proponent of the idea was its strongest supporter.

39 / 45

39. The insurgent group was fighting for independence.

40 / 45

40. The ascetic monk lived a life of simplicity.

41 / 45

41. The apologist defended the indefensible.

42 / 45

42. The recluse lived in isolation.

43 / 45

43. The pariah was shunned by society.

44 / 45

44. The bigot was intolerant of others.

45 / 45

45. The maverick was independent and unconventional.

Your score is

Quiz 2



1 / 45

1. The panacea for all ills was a myth.

2 / 45

2. The archetype of the hero is a common theme in literature.

3 / 45

3. The platitude was a trite and overused expression.

4 / 45

4. The vestige of the old building was all that remaine

5 / 45

5. The caprice of the fashion industry is constantly changing.

6 / 45

6. The debacle of the war was a disaster for both sides.

7 / 45

7. The nuance of the language was lost in translation.

8 / 45

8. The bastion of the city was a strong and well-defended position.

9 / 45

9. The penchant for chocolate was evident in his waistline.

10 / 45

10. The polemic was a strongly worded attack on the opposing viewpoint.

11 / 45

11. The antipathy between the two countries was evident in their actions.

12 / 45

12. The paradox of the situation was that it was both good and ba

13 / 45

13. The malevolence of the man was evident in his eyes.

14 / 45

14. The quandary of the situation was that there was no easy solution.

15 / 45

15. The lassitude of the woman was evident in her slow and deliberate movements.

16 / 45

16. The enmity between the two friends was evident in their cold and distant behavior.

17 / 45

17. The quiescence of the forest was broken by the sound of a twig snapping.

18 / 45

18. The reverie of the poet was interrupted by the sound of a knock

19 / 45

19. The paean of the crowd was a joyous celebration.

20 / 45

20. The coterie of friends was always there for each other.

21 / 45

21. The impasse in the negotiations was a deadlock.

22 / 45

22. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was a beautiful sight.

23 / 45

23. The collusion between the two companies was illegal.

24 / 45

24. The despot ruled his country with an iron fist.

25 / 45

25. The liability of the company was its debt.

26 / 45

26. The chronicle of the event was a detailed account.

27 / 45

27. The panegyric of the speaker was a glowing tribute.

28 / 45

28. The predilection for chocolate was evident in his diet.

29 / 45

29. The antecedent of the event was the cause.

30 / 45

30. The sinecure of the job was a position with little or no work.

31 / 45

31. The cloister of the monastery was a place of peace and solitude.

32 / 45

32. The disposition of the man was calm and collecte

33 / 45

33. The countenance of the woman was serene and beautiful.

34 / 45

34. The sycophant was a person who flattered others to gain favor.

35 / 45

35. The epicure was a person who enjoyed fine food and wine.

36 / 45

36. The interlocutor was the person with whom one was speaking.

37 / 45

37. The dilettante was a person who dabbled in many things but was not an expert in any.

38 / 45

38. The proponent of the idea was its strongest supporter.

39 / 45

39. The insurgent group was fighting for independence.

40 / 45

40. The ascetic monk lived a life of simplicity.

41 / 45

41. The apologist defended the indefensible.

42 / 45

42. The recluse lived in isolation.

43 / 45

43. The pariah was shunned by society.

44 / 45

44. The bigot was intolerant of others.

45 / 45

45. The maverick was independent and unconventional.

Your score is

Quiz 3



1 / 45

1. The panacea for all ills was a myth.

2 / 45

2. The archetype of the hero is a common theme in literature.

3 / 45

3. The platitude was a trite and overused expression.

4 / 45

4. The vestige of the old building was all that remaine

5 / 45

5. The caprice of the fashion industry is constantly changing.

6 / 45

6. The debacle of the war was a disaster for both sides.

7 / 45

7. The nuance of the language was lost in translation.

8 / 45

8. The bastion of the city was a strong and well-defended position.

9 / 45

9. The penchant for chocolate was evident in his waistline.

10 / 45

10. The polemic was a strongly worded attack on the opposing viewpoint.

11 / 45

11. The antipathy between the two countries was evident in their actions.

12 / 45

12. The paradox of the situation was that it was both good and ba

13 / 45

13. The malevolence of the man was evident in his eyes.

14 / 45

14. The quandary of the situation was that there was no easy solution.

15 / 45

15. The lassitude of the woman was evident in her slow and deliberate movements.

16 / 45

16. The enmity between the two friends was evident in their cold and distant behavior.

17 / 45

17. The quiescence of the forest was broken by the sound of a twig snapping.

18 / 45

18. The reverie of the poet was interrupted by the sound of a knock

19 / 45

19. The paean of the crowd was a joyous celebration.

20 / 45

20. The coterie of friends was always there for each other.

21 / 45

21. The impasse in the negotiations was a deadlock.

22 / 45

22. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was a beautiful sight.

23 / 45

23. The collusion between the two companies was illegal.

24 / 45

24. The despot ruled his country with an iron fist.

25 / 45

25. The liability of the company was its debt.

26 / 45

26. The chronicle of the event was a detailed account.

27 / 45

27. The panegyric of the speaker was a glowing tribute.

28 / 45

28. The predilection for chocolate was evident in his diet.

29 / 45

29. The antecedent of the event was the cause.

30 / 45

30. The sinecure of the job was a position with little or no work.

31 / 45

31. The cloister of the monastery was a place of peace and solitude.

32 / 45

32. The disposition of the man was calm and collecte

33 / 45

33. The countenance of the woman was serene and beautiful.

34 / 45

34. The sycophant was a person who flattered others to gain favor.

35 / 45

35. The epicure was a person who enjoyed fine food and wine.

36 / 45

36. The interlocutor was the person with whom one was speaking.

37 / 45

37. The dilettante was a person who dabbled in many things but was not an expert in any.

38 / 45

38. The proponent of the idea was its strongest supporter.

39 / 45

39. The insurgent group was fighting for independence.

40 / 45

40. The ascetic monk lived a life of simplicity.

41 / 45

41. The apologist defended the indefensible.

42 / 45

42. The recluse lived in isolation.

43 / 45

43. The pariah was shunned by society.

44 / 45

44. The bigot was intolerant of others.

45 / 45

45. The maverick was independent and unconventional.

Your score is

Quiz 4



1 / 45

1. The panacea for all ills was a myth.

2 / 45

2. The archetype of the hero is a common theme in literature.

3 / 45

3. The platitude was a trite and overused expression.

4 / 45

4. The vestige of the old building was all that remaine

5 / 45

5. The caprice of the fashion industry is constantly changing.

6 / 45

6. The debacle of the war was a disaster for both sides.

7 / 45

7. The nuance of the language was lost in translation.

8 / 45

8. The bastion of the city was a strong and well-defended position.

9 / 45

9. The penchant for chocolate was evident in his waistline.

10 / 45

10. The polemic was a strongly worded attack on the opposing viewpoint.

11 / 45

11. The antipathy between the two countries was evident in their actions.

12 / 45

12. The paradox of the situation was that it was both good and ba

13 / 45

13. The malevolence of the man was evident in his eyes.

14 / 45

14. The quandary of the situation was that there was no easy solution.

15 / 45

15. The lassitude of the woman was evident in her slow and deliberate movements.

16 / 45

16. The enmity between the two friends was evident in their cold and distant behavior.

17 / 45

17. The quiescence of the forest was broken by the sound of a twig snapping.

18 / 45

18. The reverie of the poet was interrupted by the sound of a knock

19 / 45

19. The paean of the crowd was a joyous celebration.

20 / 45

20. The coterie of friends was always there for each other.

21 / 45

21. The impasse in the negotiations was a deadlock.

22 / 45

22. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was a beautiful sight.

23 / 45

23. The collusion between the two companies was illegal.

24 / 45

24. The despot ruled his country with an iron fist.

25 / 45

25. The liability of the company was its debt.

26 / 45

26. The chronicle of the event was a detailed account.

27 / 45

27. The panegyric of the speaker was a glowing tribute.

28 / 45

28. The predilection for chocolate was evident in his diet.

29 / 45

29. The antecedent of the event was the cause.

30 / 45

30. The sinecure of the job was a position with little or no work.

31 / 45

31. The cloister of the monastery was a place of peace and solitude.

32 / 45

32. The disposition of the man was calm and collecte

33 / 45

33. The countenance of the woman was serene and beautiful.

34 / 45

34. The sycophant was a person who flattered others to gain favor.

35 / 45

35. The epicure was a person who enjoyed fine food and wine.

36 / 45

36. The interlocutor was the person with whom one was speaking.

37 / 45

37. The dilettante was a person who dabbled in many things but was not an expert in any.

38 / 45

38. The proponent of the idea was its strongest supporter.

39 / 45

39. The insurgent group was fighting for independence.

40 / 45

40. The ascetic monk lived a life of simplicity.

41 / 45

41. The apologist defended the indefensible.

42 / 45

42. The recluse lived in isolation.

43 / 45

43. The pariah was shunned by society.

44 / 45

44. The bigot was intolerant of others.

45 / 45

45. The maverick was independent and unconventional.

Your score is

Quiz 5



1 / 45

1. The panacea for all ills was a myth.

2 / 45

2. The archetype of the hero is a common theme in literature.

3 / 45

3. The platitude was a trite and overused expression.

4 / 45

4. The vestige of the old building was all that remaine

5 / 45

5. The caprice of the fashion industry is constantly changing.

6 / 45

6. The debacle of the war was a disaster for both sides.

7 / 45

7. The nuance of the language was lost in translation.

8 / 45

8. The bastion of the city was a strong and well-defended position.

9 / 45

9. The penchant for chocolate was evident in his waistline.

10 / 45

10. The polemic was a strongly worded attack on the opposing viewpoint.

11 / 45

11. The antipathy between the two countries was evident in their actions.

12 / 45

12. The paradox of the situation was that it was both good and ba

13 / 45

13. The malevolence of the man was evident in his eyes.

14 / 45

14. The quandary of the situation was that there was no easy solution.

15 / 45

15. The lassitude of the woman was evident in her slow and deliberate movements.

16 / 45

16. The enmity between the two friends was evident in their cold and distant behavior.

17 / 45

17. The quiescence of the forest was broken by the sound of a twig snapping.

18 / 45

18. The reverie of the poet was interrupted by the sound of a knock

19 / 45

19. The paean of the crowd was a joyous celebration.

20 / 45

20. The coterie of friends was always there for each other.

21 / 45

21. The impasse in the negotiations was a deadlock.

22 / 45

22. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was a beautiful sight.

23 / 45

23. The collusion between the two companies was illegal.

24 / 45

24. The despot ruled his country with an iron fist.

25 / 45

25. The liability of the company was its debt.

26 / 45

26. The chronicle of the event was a detailed account.

27 / 45

27. The panegyric of the speaker was a glowing tribute.

28 / 45

28. The predilection for chocolate was evident in his diet.

29 / 45

29. The antecedent of the event was the cause.

30 / 45

30. The sinecure of the job was a position with little or no work.

31 / 45

31. The cloister of the monastery was a place of peace and solitude.

32 / 45

32. The disposition of the man was calm and collecte

33 / 45

33. The countenance of the woman was serene and beautiful.

34 / 45

34. The sycophant was a person who flattered others to gain favor.

35 / 45

35. The epicure was a person who enjoyed fine food and wine.

36 / 45

36. The interlocutor was the person with whom one was speaking.

37 / 45

37. The dilettante was a person who dabbled in many things but was not an expert in any.

38 / 45

38. The proponent of the idea was its strongest supporter.

39 / 45

39. The insurgent group was fighting for independence.

40 / 45

40. The ascetic monk lived a life of simplicity.

41 / 45

41. The apologist defended the indefensible.

42 / 45

42. The recluse lived in isolation.

43 / 45

43. The pariah was shunned by society.

44 / 45

44. The bigot was intolerant of others.

45 / 45

45. The maverick was independent and unconventional.

Your score is

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