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Verbal Quiz - Redundancy

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1. Schools have started incorporating sessions on digital citizenship to teach students about responsible and respectful online behavior. These sessions cover various topics such as cyberbullying, privacy, and online safety. By addressing these crucial issues, schools strive to cultivate a generation of responsible and ethical ________.

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2. As part of the school's effort to encourage a healthy lifestyle among students, they implemented a comprehensive physical education program that not only teaches sports and activities but also offers lessons on maintaining a balanced diet and setting personal fitness goals. This holistic approach to ________ helps to develop well-rounded individuals.

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3. The science department at the high school saw an increase in students' interest in space exploration. To capitalize on this enthusiasm, the school arranged a special event in collaboration with a local planetarium, where students had the opportunity to view celestial objects through high-powered telescopes and attend presentations about the latest discoveries in ________.

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4. One of the challenges that many students face in their academic journey is dealing with the stress and anxiety associated with exam preparation. Some students combat this by establishing study groups, while others utilize _______ such as guided relaxation techniques or physical activities, to manage their stress levels effectively.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

5 / 5

5. To ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens, local governments typically provide essential services such as waste management, clean water supplies, and emergency response teams. Another fundamental service offered by most municipalities is the _________.

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