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Verbal Quiz - Vocabulary Questions

1 / 5

1. The entrepreneur's ______ spirit was reflected in her continuous pursuit of innovation and her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom in her industry.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

2 / 5

2. Her career as a human rights lawyer was a testament to her _____ character, as she consistently fought for justice and fairness in each case she took on.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

3 / 5

3. Despite the athlete's tremendous talent and potential, his ______ attitude towards training and discipline limited his chances of succeeding at the professional level.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

4 / 5

4. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, the team's _____ spirit allowed them to persevere and win the championship.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

5 / 5

5. After the earthquake, the lack of access to clean water and medical supplies presented a critical situation for the affected communities. The emergency response team had to act with great ______ to save lives and alleviate suffering.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

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Verbal Quiz - Paralelism

1 / 5

1. As a parent, Sarah valued being an attentive listener, providing guidance and support, and ____. She felt these qualities helped her connect with her children.

2 / 5

2. Nancy is dedicated to exercising daily, eating a balanced diet, and ____. She believes that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to her overall well-being.

3 / 5

3. Sophia disliked waking up early, gulping down her coffee, and ____. Despite this, she maintained a disciplined routine to ensure maximum productivity throughout the day.

4 / 5

4. The professor valued his students' critical thinking skills, their collaborative mentality, and ____. He believed these qualities were essential for academic success.

5 / 5

5. To better understand the subject, Roger spent time talking with experts, reading relevant literature, and ____. He wanted to become knowledgeable in various aspects of the topic.

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Verbal Quiz - Modifiers

1 / 5

1. Evelyn has been passionate about marine life and ocean conservation from a young age. Her dedication inspired her to study marine biology, and eventually, __________________.

2 / 5

2. The local farmers' market, a popular weekend spot for the community, offered a variety of fresh produce, homemade baked goods, and artisanal products. Shoppers wandered through the colorful displays, filling their baskets with delicious treats, while _______________________________________.

3 / 5

3. At the prestigious awards ceremony, the world's leading artists, writers, and scientists gathered to celebrate their achievements. Among the distinguished guests were ____________________________________.

4 / 5

4. The director, ________________, approached the task of filming the scene with great enthusiasm.

5 / 5

5. Following a meticulous restoration process, the historic building was transformed into a hub for arts and culture in the community. The venue hosted exhibitions, performances, and educational events that celebrated _______________________________________.

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Verbal Quiz - Independent clause / Run-ons / Fragments

1 / 5

1. Sharon practiced the piano faithfully every day, she aspired to become like her favorite concert pianist. She diligently worked on mastering complex pieces of classical music, her dedication paid off ________ Sharon received an invitation to perform at a prestigious music festival.

2 / 5

2. The annual fundraiser was a great success, this year the money raised would benefit children's hospitals. Guests enjoyed a delightful evening of dinner and dancing, moreover many participated in the charity auction ________ the event raised more funds than ever before.

3 / 5

3. The gardening club tended to the community garden carefully, planting various flowers, fruits, and vegetables throughout the area; they frequently watered and weeded to maintain the garden's health. As the growing season progressed, the garden bloomed beautifully ________ the community appreciated the hard work of the club members.

4 / 5

4. When Jane moved to New York City, she decided to attend several Broadway shows. Over the past few months, she has seen popular productions like Hamilton _________ and Wicked.

5 / 5

5. The company provides a wide range of services, such as software development, IT support, and marketing ___________ their clients include both small businesses and large corporations.

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Verbal Quiz - Commas

1 / 5

1. At the market, they found a variety of fresh produce including apples, pears, and_______.

2 / 5

2. On the tour, the guide showed them several monuments like the towering Colosseum, the mythical Pantheon, and______.

3 / 5

3. The science teacher demonstrated the experiment, explaining each step in detail, and encouraging the students to ask questions.__________.

4 / 5

4. The students arrived early for their dress rehearsal, eager to practice their lines, try on their costumes, and get a feel for the stage.__________.

5 / 5

5. When they reached the summit, the group couldn't believe their eyes. They saw a breathtaking view of the countryside, with lush forests, rolling hills, and__________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

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Verbal Quiz - Colon / Semicolon questions

1 / 5

1. Matthew is an accomplished athlete excelling in multiple sports such as basketball, soccer, and tennis. However, he has always been fascinated by extreme sports ___________ skydiving, bungee jumping, and snowboarding.

2 / 5

2. The bookstore hosts a variety of events throughout the year for literature enthusiasts, such as book signings, author panels, and writing workshops _________ they also provide a cozy gathering space for local book clubs.

3 / 5

3. The history professor gave a comprehensive lecture on the causes of World War II _________ he discussed the Treaty of Versailles, economic depression, and the rise of totalitarian leaders.

4 / 5

4. The nonprofit organization has several ongoing initiatives aimed at tackling environmental issues, such as reducing plastic waste, conserving water, and promoting renewable energy use _________ they hope to continue expanding their reach and making a positive impact on the planet.

5 / 5

5. The author uses a unique narrative style in her book _________ a first-person perspective with third-person viewpoints of the other characters.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

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Verbal Quiz - Redundancy

1 / 5

1. The school administration introduced a unique program designed to build students' entrepreneurial skills through hands-on learning experiences. The program involves creating a small business venture, managing finances, and marketing their products. This innovative learning approach enables students to develop valuable ________ for future success in business endeavors.

2 / 5

2. To incorporate more student-centered learning experiences into the curriculum, the school administration introduced group projects as an essential component of various subjects. These projects allowed students to collaborate, exchange ideas, and develop essential ________ by working together to achieve a common goal.

3 / 5

3. It is a common observation that students who actively participate in extracurricular activities often develop valuable skills that help them succeed academically. In addition to improving physical fitness or learning a new hobby, such activities also encourage teamwork, leadership, and _______, all of which are essential for academic success.

4 / 5

4. The English department at the high school decided to introduce an intensive reading program for struggling students. By focusing on daily drills, guided practice, and providing the students with a strong foundation of _________, the program helped them become more confident and proficient readers.

5 / 5

5. After listening to several lectures on the importance of mindfulness and stress reduction, the students decided to establish a club where they could practice relaxation techniques and discuss ways to handle school-related stress. They even invited a yoga instructor to lead weekly classes in breathing exercises and stress-relieving poses. The influence of _________ on their daily school life became apparent as the club’s popularity grew.

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Verbal Quiz - Transitions

1 / 5

1. Intensive agricultural practices can lead to soil degradation, negatively impacting the environment and future crop yields. _______, adopting sustainable farming practices such as crop rotation, organic fertilizers, and reduced tillage can help mitigate these effects. Which choice most logically completes the text?

2 / 5

2. Nina's extensive collection of novels spans various genres and time periods, allowing her to indulge in a wide range of literary works. _______, she often seeks book recommendations from friends and family to expand her reading list even further. Which choice most logically completes the text?

3 / 5

3. Samantha's culinary skills continually impressed her family and friends, who often praised her for her creative and delicious dishes. _______, she began to consider opening her own restaurant as a way to share her passion with a wider audience. Which choice most logically completes the text?

4 / 5

4. The current mass extinction event, dubbed the 'Sixth Extinction,' is attributable primarily to human activity, particularly our destruction of natural habitats and pollution of the environment. ______, measures such as habitat restoration, pollution reduction, and species reintroduction are critical to mitigate these impacts and foster biodiversity.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

5 / 5

5. Traveling the world can undoubtedly be an enriching experience, offering the opportunity to learn about new cultures, languages, and customs firsthand. _______, international travel can be quite expensive, particularly if one intends to visit multiple destinations or spend an extended period away from home. Which choice most logically completes the text?

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Verbal Quiz - Tenses

1 / 5

1. Over the years, the violinist _______ audiences across the globe with her virtuosity and captivating stage presence.
Which choice completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

2 / 5

2. The board members ________ unanimous in their decision to prioritize funding for education and community programs this year.
Which choice adheres to the rules of Standard English?

3 / 5

3. The gardener, trying to prevent the plants from being damaged by the harsh winter weather, _______ them all inside his greenhouse before the first snowfall.
Which choice completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

4 / 5

4. The inexperienced actor, equipped only with an ambition to succeed, _______ his leading role with apprehension and palpable excitement.
Which choice completes the text following the rules of Standard English?

5 / 5

5. While many people _______ public speaking daunting, Tim's natural confidence and charisma ensure he consistently delivers exceptional presentations.
Which choice adheres to Standard English conventions?

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Verbal Quiz - Sentence function questions

1 / 5

1. Architect Claire Matthews designs sustainable buildings with a focus on energy-efficiency, natural materials, and reducing waste. One of her latest projects, the Highgrove Eco-House, incorporates solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and a green roof to minimize its environmental impact.Matthews hopes her designs will inspire other architects to adopt sustainable practices in their projects. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

2 / 5

2. Astronomers are confident that the star Betelgeuse will eventually consume all the helium in its core and explode in a supernova. They are much less confident, however, about when this will happen, since that depends on internal characteristics of Betelgeuse that are largely unknown.Astrophysicist Sarafina El-Badry Nance and colleagues recently investigated whether acoustic waves in the star could be used to determine internal stellar states but concluded that this method could not sufficiently reveal Betelgeuse’s internal characteristics to allow its evolutionary state to be firmly fixed. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

3 / 5

3. At a recent conference, education experts discussed the growing importance of digital literacy in today's world. Dr. Emma Johnson argued that students need to be taught the skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape, including critical thinking, online collaboration, and responsible use of technology.Many teachers are incorporating these skills into their lessons, preparing students for a technology-driven future. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

4 / 5

4. Jessica Lee, a renowned freelance photographer, has a knack for capturing the beauty and essence of various locations worldwide through her stunning photographs. In her latest project, titled 'Urban Geometry,' Lee focuses on the unique architectural elements and patterns found in modern cityscapes.Her work showcases the artful side of urban environments, inspiring people to see the aesthetic value in the everyday structures that surround them. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

5 / 5

5. With the increased use of electric vehicles (EVs), researchers continue to look for ways to make EV charging more efficient. One proposed solution is the development of wireless charging systems, which would allow vehicles to charge while parked or even while driving on specially designed roads. This technology could lead to increased convenience and overall adoption of EVs in the future. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

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Verbal Quiz - Subject-verb agreement

1 / 5

1. A considerable number of students ____________ difficulty in time management, often leading to stress and reduced academic performance.

2 / 5

2. As one of our planet's most precious resources, clean water ____________ conservation efforts and responsible usage by individuals, industries, and governments alike.

3 / 5

3. Climate change and the resulting alterations in weather patterns ____________ significant challenges for agriculture, as crop yields and food security can be affected on a global scale.

4 / 5

4. Nutritious meals and regular physical activity ____________ the overwhelming stress experienced by many students during exam season.

5 / 5

5. The rise in remote work opportunities ____________ many employees to achieve a better work-life balance, as they can often set their own schedules and avoid lengthy commutes.

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