Tenses / passives quiz - Emir 1 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 1. Araştırmacılar tarafından önemli keşifler yapılmıştı. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) Significant discoveries had been made by researchers. b) Significant discoveries were made by researchers. c) Significant discoveries were being made by researchers. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "Significant discoveries had been made by researchers." as it describes past actions that were completed before another past event. 2 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 2. İki ay boyunca her gün spor salonunda çalıştı. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) For two months, she worked out every day at the gym. b) For two months, she had been working out every day at the gym. c) For two months, she was working out every day at the gym. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "For two months, she worked out every day at the gym." as it describes a completed action in the past. 3 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 3. Bu yazılımın önceki sürümü uzun bir süre boyunca geliştirilmişti. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) The previous version of this software had been developed for a long time. b) The previous version of this software was developed for a long time. c) The previous version of this software was being developed for a long time. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "The previous version of this software had been developed for a long time." as it expresses a past action that was ongoing for a long period before another past event. 4 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 4. Yemek hazırlanırken televizyon izliyordum. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) I was watching TV while the meal had been prepared. b) I had been watching TV while the meal was being prepared. c) I was watching TV while the meal was being prepared. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "I was watching TV while the meal was being prepared." as it indicates two simultaneous actions that were taking place in the past. 5 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 5. Tüm gün süren etkinlikler boyunca fotoğraf çektim. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) I took photos throughout the day-long events. b) I had been taking photos throughout the day-long events. c) I was taking photos throughout the day-long events. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "I took photos throughout the day-long events." as it indicates a completed action in the past during the day-long events. 6 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 6. Dün sınavı geçtim. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) I passed the exam yesterday. b) I was passing the exam yesterday. c) I had been passing the exam yesterday. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "I passed the exam yesterday." as it indicates the completion of the action in the past. 7 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 7. Konser biletleri hızla tükendi. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) Concert tickets had been selling out quickly. b) Concert tickets sold out quickly. c) Concert tickets were selling out quickly. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "Concert tickets sold out quickly." as it describes a completed action in the past. 8 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 8. Yeni projede çalışmaya başlamıştık. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) We had been working on the new project. b) We were working on the new project. c) We have been working on the new project. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "We had been working on the new project." as it indicates a past action that was ongoing before another past action or event. 9 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 9. Odayı çıkartıldığında bile, o hâlâ uyumuyordu. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) The room was being cleaned, and she was still not sleeping. b) The room was cleaned, and she was still not sleeping. c) The room had been cleaned, and she was still not sleeping. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "The room was cleaned, and she was still not sleeping." as it describes a completed action (cleaning the room) and an ongoing action (not sleeping) in the past. 10 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 10. Dün gece ay tutulması gerçekleşti. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) Last night, a lunar eclipse had been occurring. b) Last night, a lunar eclipse was occurring. c) Last night, a lunar eclipse occurred. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "Last night, a lunar eclipse occurred." as it describes a completed action in the past. 11 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 11. Tablolar müzede sergileniyordu. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) The paintings have been displayed in the museum. b) The paintings had been displayed in the museum. c) The paintings were displayed in the museum. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "The paintings were displayed in the museum." as it indicates an ongoing action in the past. 12 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 12. Geçmişte birçok dergide yazılar yazdım. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) In the past, I was writing articles for many magazines. b) In the past, I wrote articles for many magazines. c) In the past, I had been writing articles for many magazines. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "In the past, I wrote articles for many magazines." as it describes a completed action in the past. 13 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 13. İçeri girdiğimde, müzik dinleyerek çalışıyorlardı. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) They had been working while listening to music when I entered. b) They worked while listening to music when I entered. c) They were working while listening to music when I entered. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "They were working while listening to music when I entered." as it indicates an ongoing action that was taking place at the time the speaker entered. 14 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 14. Ders çalışırken cep telefonum çaldı. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) While studying, my phone rang. b) While I had been studying, my phone rang. c) While I was studying, my phone had been ringing. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "While studying, my phone rang." as it conveys the idea that the phone rang while the speaker was in the midst of studying. 15 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 15. Tüm gece yağmur yağmıştı. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) It had been raining all night. b) It rained all night. c) It was raining all night. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "It had been raining all night." as it expresses a past action that occurred continuously before another past event. 16 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 16. Yeni romanı yazarken ilham geldi. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) New ideas had been coming while writing the novel. b) New ideas were coming while writing the novel. c) New ideas came while writing the novel. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "New ideas came while writing the novel." as it describes a past event that happened during the process of writing the novel. 17 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 17. Kedisini ararken, köşedeki bakkalda buldu. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) She had found her cat while she was looking for it at the corner store. b) She found her cat while she was looking for it at the corner store. c) She found her cat while she had been looking for it at the corner store. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "She found her cat while she was looking for it at the corner store." as it describes a past event that happened during the process of searching for the cat. 18 / 18 Category: toeflvocabquiz 18. Yeni cep telefonu modeli geçen hafta piyasaya sürüldü. Which option is the correct translation of the Turkish sentence? a) The new mobile phone model has been launched last week. b) The new mobile phone model was launched last week. c) The new mobile phone model had been launched last week. The correct translation of the Turkish sentence is "The new mobile phone model was launched last week." as it describes a completed action in the past. Your score is