Module 1 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 1- - Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) Upon arriving in a foreign country, the traveler quickly realized that without a basic understanding of the local language, he would be left feeling rather ______ and might struggle to make connections with the native speakers.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) The mounting tension between the two world powers had become a source of concern for many smaller nations. They feared that any further escalation could result in a ______ conflict, with disastrous consequences.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) The journalist's _______ account of her experiences in the war-torn country provided readers with a haunting and vivid firsthand perspective on the ongoing conflict.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) The employee's reluctance to take on new responsibilities and tendency to avoid challenging tasks revealed a ______ attitude that hindered his professional growth.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

5) The CEO's speech at the conference was ______, providing little new information or insight into the company's future plans.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) The concept of the World Wide Web was first proposed in 1989 by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who was working at the European research organization CERN at the time. Berners-Lee's vision for the Web was a space where information could be easily accessed and shared across networks, without the need for a centralized authority. In 1990, he developed the first web browser and server, marking the beginning of the modern Web as we know it. Today, the World Wide Web has become an indispensable tool for communication, education, commerce, and countless other aspects of our lives.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

7) The term 'smog' is derived from a combination of the words 'smoke' and 'fog,' and refers to a type of air pollution that results from the interaction of sunlight with emissions from vehicles, industrial facilities, and other human activities. Smog contributes to poor air quality, reduced visibility, and an increased risk of respiratory and cardiovascular health issues, particularly in urban areas with high levels of pollution. Various strategies have been implemented worldwide to combat smog, including tighter emission standards for vehicles, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of public transportation systems.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

8) Astronomers are confident that the star Betelgeuse will eventually consume all the helium in its core and explode in a supernova. They are much less confident, however, about when this will happen, since that depends on internal characteristics of Betelgeuse that are largely unknown.Astrophysicist Sarafina El-Badry Nance and colleagues recently investigated whether acoustic waves in the star could be used to determine internal stellar states but concluded that this method could not sufficiently reveal Betelgeuse’s internal characteristics to allow its evolutionary state to be firmly fixed. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) Dylan Education, a leading educational institution, has implemented a program that prioritizes recruiting teachers who received high scores on standardized tests and graduated from highly-ranked colleges. Dylan Education believes that hiring such teachers will result in improved student performance. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dylan Education's belief?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) Market research has suggested that consumers are increasingly interested in buying locally sourced food products, as they believe these products are of higher quality and better for the environment. A recent study aimed to investigate whether locally sourced food products actually live up to these expectations. Which finding, if true, would most directly support the claim?

Category: graphverbal


With the digital age fully upon us, the Riverdale Education Foundation has made significant investments to integrate technology into the local school curriculum. Their latest initiative involved awarding grants to schools for purchasing computers and digital learning tools. The foundation set out with the goal of dramatically improving students' computer literacy rates within a three-year period, aiming for a clear majority of students to be proficient in necessary digital skills...

Given the data in the stacked bar graph, which of the following statements would be the best ending for the paragraph above?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) In an effort to limit the consumption of single-use plastic products and reduce the environmental impacts of plastic waste, many governments around the world have introduced plastic bag taxes or bans. Such policies aim to encourage the use of reusable alternatives, such as cloth or canvas bags, thereby reducing the demand for single-use plastics. If plastic bag taxes and bans effectively curb the usage of single-use plastics, these policies may _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) The increasing prevalence of online learning platforms has expanded educational opportunities for individuals around the world. These platforms offer a wide range of courses and resources, from elementary school curricula to professional development programs. While critics argue that online learning can lack the personal connection and engagement found in traditional classroom settings, proponents claim that it democratizes education by increasing access and affordability for learners. If online learning platforms continue to evolve and effectively address the shortcomings related to personal engagement, they could _______

Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

14) The science museum offered a hands-on learning experience for visitors, they could participate in engaging experiments, interactive exhibits, and captivating demonstrations. The museum staff encouraged visitors to explore the wonders of science, mathematics, and technology ________ sparking curiosity and fostering a sense of discovery.

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

15) The architect designed a modern building that would not only be visually striking but also environmentally friendly. Sustainable materials and energy-efficient technologies were used in its construction, creating a structure that was both innovative and eco-conscious ________ the building became a symbol of progressive design in the city.

Category: verbal-subject veb agreement

16) Artificial intelligence and machine learning ____________ the potential to revolutionize industries and create new job opportunities, but they also pose the challenge of displacement for certain roles in the workforce.

Category: verbal-modifiers

17) The documentary film provided a unique glimpse into the lives of individuals whose perseverance and determination led to extraordinary accomplishments. As viewers witnessed their inspiring journeys, they gained _______________________________________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

18) The coastal city, known for its mild climate and stunning beaches, has become a popular tourist destination. Visitors flock to the area to enjoy water sports, explore historic landmarks, and _____________________________________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) During their vacation, Sarah and her family participated in various activities such as exploring historical sites, taking guided tours, and__________.

Category: verbal-commas

20) It was a beautiful, sunny day on campus, and the students began gathering for the big event of the year: the annual charity fundraiser. Various clubs volunteered, setting up stands__________.

Category: verbal-Tense

21) After several late-night debates, the city council members finally _______ a decision, agreeing to provide funding for the proposed community center.
Which choice correctly completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal-paralelism

22) The star athlete demonstrated exceptional physical strength, unparalleled speed, and ____. These qualities made him highly sought after by top universities.

Category: verbal-paralelism

23) The young activist's speaking abilities could captivate an audience, motivate people to take action, and ____. He quickly became a prominent figure in the movement.

Category: verbal-transitions

24) The local community garden has not only improved the aesthetic landscape of the neighborhood but has also fostered a sense of camaraderie among residents. ______, the garden provides a source of fresh produce for those who participate in its cultivation. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

25) While daily physical exercise has undoubtedly been shown to improve overall health and well-being, its impact on mental health should not be underestimated. ______, recent studies have found that incorporating regular physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Fast fashion refers to the rapid production and consumption of inexpensive clothing.

• This trend perpetuates an unsustainable cycle of environmental degradation and wastefulness.

• Fast fashion contributes to water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and textile waste.

• Some clothing brands have adopted sustainable practices to reduce these harmful effects.

The student wants to discuss the environmental issues associated with fast fashion. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?


Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Molecular gastronomy is a culinary discipline that explores the science and chemistry of cooking.

• The movement began in the 1990s, led by chefs Ferran Adrià and Heston Blumenthal.

• Molecular gastronomy techniques include spherification, sous-vide, and foam preparation.

• The discipline seeks to understand the molecular transformations that occur during cooking processes and use the knowledge to create unique culinary experiences.

The student wants to introduce the concept of molecular gastronomy and the techniques involved. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

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Module 2 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 2- Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) The documentary aimed to cultivate empathy and raise awareness about the plight of refugees by presenting emotionally ______ stories that resonated with the audience.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) Knowing they had limited resources to solve the complex problem, the team adopted a _____ approach, focusing on the most critical aspects first and tackling less important issues as time and resources allowed.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) Emma's optimistic outlook and ability to find humor in difficult situations made her a(n) ______ presence among her peers during stressful times.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, the team's _____ spirit allowed them to persevere and win the championship.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

5) In the late 18th century, English inventor Sir George Cayley began to explore the principles of flight, earning him the title of 'Father of Aeronautics.' Among Cayley's many accomplishments and innovations were detailed studies of aerodynamics and the development of the first successful glider capable of carrying a human. Cayley also predicted that sustained human flight would someday be achieved through a combination of propulsion and wing design, which proved prophetic with the advent of the airplane in the early 20th century. Cayley's foundational work in aviation profoundly influenced later aviation pioneers such as Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) The classroom buzzed with excitement, youthful voices alight with curiosity and wonder. Animated discussions unfolded around each table, as the students eagerly tackled the mysteries of the universe and discovered new hidden truths. Their eyes sparkled with the thrill of knowledge and learning, as the teacher, a guiding star, nurtured the bright flames of their potential. Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

7) Several cities around the world have experienced a surge in urban gardening projects, as citizens seek to reconnect with nature and grow their own food. Some of these initiatives include community gardens, rooftop green spaces, and vertical gardens on building facades.Proponents argue that urban gardening not only provides access to fresh produce but also promotes environmental sustainability and fosters a sense of community among participants. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbalparagraphcomparison3

8) Passage 1:

Artificial intelligence (AI), with its rapidly evolving capabilities, has become an integral part of daily existence, permeating the fabric of everyday tasks through devices like intelligent assistants and automated support channels. While the emergence of AI heralds improved efficiency and an augmentation of productivity, skeptics raise alarms over a potential decline in human interactions and the subsequent erosion of social skills. It's hypothesized that an undue reliance on intelligent systems could precipitate isolation and an unhealthy dependence on mechanical partners over genuine human engagement.

Passage 2:

The ascent of AI as a dominant force in modern routines has unmistakably altered interpersonal dynamics, propelling us toward a reality where automated systems shoulder responsibilities traditionally reserved for human agents. This transformation ignites important debates about the diminishment of human-to-human contact; however, it's critical to view AI's evolution as an opportunity for forging novel modes of connectivity and dialogue, thus catalyzing fresh avenues for human interaction. How AI influences social fabric is contingent upon individual prerogatives regarding its integration and utilization in personal spheres.

Considering both passages, how is the author of Passage 2 likely to address the apprehensions concerning AI's influence on human connectivity discussed in Passage 1?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) Economist Dr. Walter Johnson published a report suggesting that investing in local public libraries can have a positive impact on local economies, job markets, and educational outcomes. According to Dr. Johnson, the availability of free and accessible resources, along with educational and skill-building programs offered at public libraries, make them a valuable asset to communities. To support his claim, Dr. Johnson compared the economic performance and educational outcomes of towns with well-funded public libraries to towns with underfunded public libraries. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Johnson's claim?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) Dr. Leah Thompson, an expert in nutrition and exercise science, believes that group fitness classes offer additional motivation and social support compared to individuals who exercise independently. In her recent study, Dr. Thompson compared the exercise adherence and progress of two groups of participants over a six-month period: one group enrolled in structured group fitness classes and another group that exercised independently within the same gym environment. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Thompson's claim?

Category: graphverbal


The recent measures have led to an increase in recycling in the community. In fact, the new recycling program, which includes weekly curbside pickup, has had a significant impact. According to the program's report, there was a 30% increase in recycled materials collected this year compared to that of the last year.

Which choice best corrects the statement in the passage based on the data provided in the bar chart?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) The concept of a circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of resources through practices such as recycling, reuse, and resource recovery. As societal awareness of environmental and resource scarcity challenges increases, the transition towards a more circular economy has become an important focus for policymakers, businesses, and individuals. If a widespread shift to a circular economy were to occur, the potential long-term benefits might include _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) In the pursuit of a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food system, many have begun to advocate for the consumption of insects as a viable protein source. Insects are rich in protein and nutrients, and their production generates significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less water than traditional livestock farming. However, cultural and gustatory barriers remain a significant obstacle to widespread acceptance of insects as a food source in many countries. If successful marketing campaigns and educational efforts manage to overcome these barriers, insect consumption could _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-Tense

14) The new intern, still uncertain of her surroundings, timidly _______ in the break room until someone invites her to join their table.
Which choice completes the text following the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

15) The school offers several clubs and organizations to cater to different interests. Students can choose from options like the chess club, the debate team, and the robotics club ___________ among others.

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

16) The annual summer festival offers many attractions: food trucks, a live music stage, local vendor booths, and various activities for children ___________ face painting and balloon animals.

Category: verbal-paralelism

17) To fully understand the novel, students must examine its historical context, analyze the main themes, and ____. This process will provide a comprehensive understanding of the author's intentions.

Category: verbal-commas

18) In the school cafeteria, students can choose from a variety of meals, including pizza, salad, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.__________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) The hiking trip included several exciting activities such as crossing a suspension bridge, climbing a steep hill, and navigating a narrow forest trail.__________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

20) The ancient ruins, steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, fascinated experts and tourists alike. Painstakingly excavated over the years and carefully preserved, __________________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-redundancy

21) One of the challenges that many students face in their academic journey is dealing with the stress and anxiety associated with exam preparation. Some students combat this by establishing study groups, while others utilize _______ such as guided relaxation techniques or physical activities, to manage their stress levels effectively.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-transitions

22) Oscar struggled with procrastination during his college years, consistently postponing his work until the last minute. ______, he learned to manage his time more effectively after entering the workforce and following a strict schedule. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

23) The hotel's prime location near popular attractions and its exceptional customer service contributed to its recent award for best accommodations in the city. _______, the hotel's on-site restaurant has received rave reviews for its culinary offerings, further enhancing the establishment's reputation. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

24) The process of photosynthesis enables plants to convert sunlight into energy, which is crucial for their growth and survival. _______, animals must obtain energy by consuming other organisms, as they are incapable of generating energy through photosynthesis. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

25) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity.

• His most famous equation is E = mc², which explains the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light.

• Einstein's work has had a significant impact on physics, as well as other fields like cosmology, nuclear energy, and time travel.

• He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

The student wants to capture the essence of Einstein's impact on science. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. • It occurs in various marine organisms, insects, and fungi.

• Key examples include fireflies, deep-sea fish, and glowing mushrooms.

• Bioluminescence serves different purposes, including communication, attracting prey, and evading predators.

The student wants to explain the concept of bioluminescence and its functions in the natural world. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Molecular gastronomy is a culinary discipline that explores the science and chemistry of cooking.

• The movement began in the 1990s, led by chefs Ferran Adrià and Heston Blumenthal.

• Molecular gastronomy techniques include spherification, sous-vide, and foam preparation.

• The discipline seeks to understand the molecular transformations that occur during cooking processes and use the knowledge to create unique culinary experiences.

The student wants to introduce the concept of molecular gastronomy and the techniques involved. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Module 1 - Math

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-Math Module 1- Module

1 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

1. A rectangle has a length of 12 inches and a width of 4 inches. What is the area of the rectangle?

2 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

2. A car rental company charges a flat fee of $25 per day and an additional $0.15 per mile driven. If a customer rents a car for 3 days and drives 100 miles, what will the total cost be?

3 / 24

Category: math-statistics

3. Over the course of a week, the number of text messages received by a student each day was as follows: 20, 15, 30, 25, 15, 35, 50. What is the median of these text messages received?

4 / 24

Category: math-statistics

4. The scores of five students on a mathematics test are: 80, 84, 91, 75, and 92. What is the median score?

5 / 24

Category: math-statistics

5. In a box of chocolates, there are 3 peanut butter chocolates, 5 caramel chocolates, and 2 mint chocolates. If one chocolate is chosen at random, what is the probability that it is a mint chocolate?

6 / 24

Category: math-grid

6. A bag contains 6 red marbles, 9 blue marbles, and 10 green marbles. If one marble is randomly selected from the bag, what is the probability that the marble is either red or blue?

7 / 24

Category: math-grid

7. The area of a rectangle is 48 square inches. If the ratio of the length to the width of this rectangle is 4:3, what is the length of the rectangle?

8 / 24

Category: math-grid

8. A box contains 6 red balls and 4 blue balls. If two balls are randomly selected without replacement, what is the probability that both balls are red?

9 / 24

Category: math-grid

9. The equation P = 2l + 2w describes the perimeter of a rectangle with length l and width w. If the perimeter is 24, and the length is 2 more than the width, what are the dimensions of the rectangle ? (separate numbers with a comma)

10 / 24

Category: math-algebra

10. Solve the equation |2x - 5| = 9 for x.

11 / 24

Category: math-algebra

11. Solve the following equation for x: 4x² - 12x = 0.

12 / 24

Category: math-algebra

12. Find the value of x for the following inequality: 2x - 7 > x + 5.

13 / 24

Category: math-polynomials

13. Factor the polynomial: 2x² - 8x

14 / 24

Category: math-sequences

14. Given an arithmetic sequence with the first term a₁ = 2 and the 5th term a₅ = 50, what is the sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence?

15 / 24

Category: math-sequences

15. If the first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are 3, 5, and 7, what is the common difference d?

16 / 24

Category: math-geometry

16. The sum of consecutive interior angles of a regular polygon is 315 degrees. What is the number of sides of the polygon?

17 / 24

Category: math-geometry

17. What are the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (8, 10) and (4, 2)?

18 / 24

Category: math-trigonometry

18. Given a right triangle with hypotenuse length 26 cm and one leg length 24 cm, find the sine of the angle opposite the 24 cm leg.

19 / 24

Category: math-graph


The functions f(x) and g(x) are graphed in the xy-plane and their graphs show that the equation f(x) = g(x) has two solutions. Which of the following functions h represents a set of transformations on f after which the equation h(x) = g(x) has no solutions?

20 / 24

Category: math-graph


The function f(x) is graphed . If g(x) = f(x)-1, which of the following statements is true?


21 / 24

Category: math-graph


In the figure shown, BC = 5, and the length of line segment AD is half the length of line segment CD. What is the length of line segment DE?

22 / 24

Category: math-graph


The scatterplot above shows the average fuel economy for a certain class of car driven at 12 different speeds. The graph of a quadratic model for the data is also shown. For what fraction of the 12 speeds does the model overestimate the average fuel economy?

23 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

23. A recipe requires 7 cups of flour for every 15 cookies. If you want to make 45 cookies, how many cups of flour do you need?

24 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

24. A factory produces 800 toys every 8 hours. If the factory operates for 20 hours, but during the last 5 hours, the production rate is increased by 50%, how many toys will the factory produce in total during the 20-hour period?

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Module 2 - Math

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-Math Module 2- Module

1. A train travels at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour. How far will it travel in 2 hours and 30 minutes?

2. Carla earns $12 per hour for working at a cafe. If she works 25 hours per week, how much does she earn per week?

3. A box contains 5 red balls, 3 blue balls, and 2 yellow balls. If a ball is chosen randomly and then replaced before a second ball is chosen, what is the probability of choosing a red ball followed by a yellow ball?

4. A school has 200 students: 100 boys and 100 girls. If 60% of the boys play basketball and 50% of the girls play soccer, how many students do not play either sport?

5. Eight friends each scored a different number of points in a game. Their scores were 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, and 34. What is the mean score?

6. A rectangular garden is 12 meters long and 8 meters wide. If a sidewalk of uniform width is built around the garden, and the area of the sidewalk is equal to the area of the garden, what is the width of the sidewalk?

7. The sum of two complementary angles is 90 degrees. If one angle measures 23 degrees, what is the measure of the other angle?

8. If the length of each side of a square is increased four times, what is the ratio of the area of the new square to the area of the original square?

9. If a car's value depreciates by 20% per year, what will its value be after 3 years if it is currently worth $15,000?

10. Which of the following inequalities is true for all values of x?

11. Solve the inequality |x - 3| ≥ 5.

12. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to 2x + 3y = 12?

13. Simplify the rational expression: (x² - 4x + 4)/(x² - x)

14. Given a finite arithmetic sequence with the first term a₁ = 1 and the last term aₙ = 19, what is the sum of the terms in this sequence if there are a total of 10 terms?

15. An arithmetic sequence has a first term a₁ = -4 and a common difference d = 6. What is the sum of the 11th, 12th, and 13th terms of the sequence?

16. If the ratio of the measures of two complementary angles is 3:2, what is the measure of the smaller angle?

17. In the coordinate plane, the endpoints of the diameter of a circle are (3, 7) and (9, 1). Find the coordinates of the center of the circle.

18. A 45-45-90 triangle has a side length of 8 cm opposite one of the 45° angles. Find the length of the hypotenuse.


The function f models Jack's pulse, in beats per minute (bpm), as a function of his speed, in kilometers per hour (km/h), on a stationary bicycle. Based on the model, what was Jack's pulse, in bpm, when his speed was 0 km/h?


The graph of the function f is shown. Which of the following is a value of x for which f(x) = 0 ?


The daily high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, for a city in the month of February in 2017 are summarized in the box plot shown. Which of the following is closest to the median of the high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the city in February 2017?


Which of the following is true about the standard deviations of the two data sets in the table ?



23. In a group of 60 people, 25 people like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, 15 people like only chocolate ice cream, and 12 people like only vanilla ice cream. How many people in the group like neither chocolate nor vanilla ice cream?

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