Here are some additional tips and tricks for a student preparing for the function of an underlined sentence type of question:

1. **Practice With Passages**: Get plenty of practice reading passages and analyzing the function of individual sentences within the context of the whole passage. This will help you develop the skill of quickly identifying how a sentence contributes to the overall flow and purpose of the text.

2. **Identify Transitions**: Pay close attention to transition words (e.g., “however,” “furthermore,” “for example”) as they often signal the function of the sentence that follows.

3. **Note Structural Cues**: Be aware of structural cues like colons, dashes, and parentheses, which can indicate that a sentence is providing an explanation, example, or additional information.

4. **Understand Rhetorical Modes**: Familiarize yourself with common rhetorical modes (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion) and how sentences function within each mode.

5. **Consider Tone and Purpose**: The tone and overall purpose of the passage can help you determine the function of a particular sentence (e.g., a sentence in a persuasive passage may be presenting evidence or addressing a counterargument).

6. **Eliminate Incorrect Answers**: Even if you’re unsure of the correct answer, try to eliminate any answer choices that clearly don’t match the function of the underlined sentence.

7. **Note Repetition or Emphasis**: If a sentence repeats or emphasizes a point made earlier in the passage, its function may be to reinforce or clarify that idea.

8. **Watch for Shifts**: A sentence that introduces a new idea or changes the focus of the passage may have the function of transitioning or shifting the discussion in a different direction.

9. **Consider Word Choice**: The specific language used in a sentence can provide clues about its function (e.g., words like “because” or “since” may indicate a sentence that provides a reason or explanation).

10. **Practice Timed Conditions**: As you prepare, make sure to practice analyzing the function of sentences under timed conditions, as you’ll need to work efficiently on the actual exam.

11. **Learn From Mistakes**: If you get a question wrong, carefully review the explanation and try to understand why the correct answer was correct and why your initial choice was incorrect.

12. **Stay Focused and Confident**: Approach each question with a clear mindset, and trust your ability to analyze the passage and identify the function of the underlined sentence based on the context and your preparation.

Remember, the key is to develop a systematic approach to analyzing the function of sentences within the context of the whole passage. With practice, you’ll become more adept at quickly identifying the role each sentence plays in the overall structure and flow of the text.

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