Here are some tips and tricks for the “Comma question category” in the English section of the Digital SAT exam:

1. **Identify Independent vs. Dependent Clauses**: Understand the difference between an independent clause (can stand alone as a sentence) and a dependent clause (cannot stand alone, needs an independent clause). Dependent clauses often start with words like “because,” “since,” “when,” “if,” etc.

2. **No Comma for Dependent Clause After Independent Clause**: Generally, you do not need a comma when a dependent clause follows an independent clause, unless it’s an exception (see below).

3. **Comma Before Dependent Clause at Start**: If a sentence begins with a dependent clause, use a comma after the dependent clause before the independent clause.

4. **Adverbs of Concession Exception**: Use a comma before a dependent clause starting with adverbs like “although,” “even though,” “whereas,” or “while” (when used to mean “whereas”). These signal a contrast or concession.

5. **Comma with Introductory Phrases**: Use a comma after introductory phrases like “In fact,” “However,” “Nevertheless,” etc.

6. **Comma in Compound Sentences**: Use a comma to separate two independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions like “and,” “but,” “or,” etc.

7. **Comma with Nonrestrictive Clauses/Phrases**: Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses or phrases (which provide additional, nonessential information).

8. **Comma with Interrupters**: Use commas to set off interrupters like “however,” “therefore,” “for example,” etc.

9. **Practice, Practice, Practice**: Familiarize yourself with different comma usage examples and practice identifying when commas are needed or not.

10. **Read Carefully**: Read the sentences in the questions carefully, paying close attention to the structure and meaning to determine if a comma is needed or not.

11. **Learn from Mistakes**: If you get a comma question wrong, understand why and learn from your mistake to avoid repeating it.

12. **Use Process of Elimination**: If unsure about a comma question, use the process of elimination to narrow down the options and make an educated guess.

Remember, consistent practice and understanding the logic behind comma usage will help you master this question category on the Digital SAT exam.

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