Module 1 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 1- - Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) To understand the culture and history of the region, one must become _____ with its rich and diverse body of folktales, myths, and legends.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) The manager's habit of being excessively _____ in her critiques often hindered the team's growth and left employees feeling demotivated rather than inspired to improve.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) The journalist's _______ account of her experiences in the war-torn country provided readers with a haunting and vivid firsthand perspective on the ongoing conflict.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) The intense competition among the leading tech companies has given rise to one breakthrough innovation after another. This ______ environment drives the rapid advancement and adoption of new technologies.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

5) The entrepreneur displayed an ______ work ethic, often sacrificing personal time and leisure activities to ensure the success of his new venture.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) Once a thriving and bustling city, now lay silent, swallowed by the sands of time. Aging buildings and crumbling monuments stood like forgotten sentinels, guarding the sepulchral memories of a civilization long vanished. Yet, amidst the desolation, an explorer's heart quickened, their eyes alighting with the spark of discovery, driven by the untold mysteries and secrets waiting to be unraveled. Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

7) The clock struck midnight, and alone she sat Transfixed by the melody of fading stars - A bittersweet symphony that rang through her heart, Stirring memories woven in a tapestry of midnight hues. Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

8) A recent study published in Nature Communications reported that planting more trees could play a significant role in combatting climate change. The researchers calculated that Earth has the capacity to support an additional 0.9 billion hectares of continuous forest, which could store approximately 205 gigatons of carbon. Reforestation efforts, combined with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, could slow down the rate of global warming. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) As part of a large-scale city planning project, urban designer Stephen Clark is putting together a comprehensive proposal to revitalize underused public spaces in a metropolitan area. Among many factors, Clark believes that incorporating green spaces and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure into public spaces can increase the community's social cohesion, well-being, and overall satisfaction. To validate his belief, Clark studied multiple urban public spaces that underwent revitalization projects focused on adding greenery and improving pedestrian access, and compared their outcomes to other public spaces that did not receive such improvements. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Clark's belief?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) Dr. Maria Sanchez, a pediatrician specializing in children's sleep disorders, has been advocating for healthier sleep habits among school-aged children. She believes that adjusting school start times to later in the morning could have a positive impact on students' cognitive performance, overall mood, and tiredness levels throughout the day. In her research, Dr. Sanchez compared two schools that implemented delayed school start times to a control group of schools that maintained their traditional early start times, and monitored the students' performance and well-being over a year. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Sanchez's belief?

Category: graphverbal


With the digital age fully upon us, the Riverdale Education Foundation has made significant investments to integrate technology into the local school curriculum. Their latest initiative involved awarding grants to schools for purchasing computers and digital learning tools. The foundation set out with the goal of dramatically improving students' computer literacy rates within a three-year period, aiming for a clear majority of students to be proficient in necessary digital skills...

Given the data in the stacked bar graph, which of the following statements would be the best ending for the paragraph above?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) Advancements in genetic editing techniques have opened doors for the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that possess desirable traits, such as resistance to pests or improved nutritional content. However, the use of GMOs in agriculture has been a source of controversy, with opponents citing concerns about potential long-term effects on human health and the environment. If future research conclusively demonstrates that GMOs are safe for human consumption and pose minimal risk to the environment, public opinion regarding GMOs may _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) As climate change continues to be a central issue facing humanity, the need for innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes increasingly important. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are one such potential solution, as they aim to capture carbon dioxide emitted from power plants and industrial sources and store it underground, thus preventing it from entering the atmosphere. The widespread implementation of CCS technologies may _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

14) The annual chess tournament attracted participants from all over the world, with over 50 players vying for the esteemed title of chess champion. The event tested the strategic minds of young and old players alike ________ friendships were forged through their mutual passion for the ancient game.

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

15) The science museum offered a hands-on learning experience for visitors, they could participate in engaging experiments, interactive exhibits, and captivating demonstrations. The museum staff encouraged visitors to explore the wonders of science, mathematics, and technology ________ sparking curiosity and fostering a sense of discovery.

Category: verbal-subject veb agreement

16) Each member of the team ____________ a unique role and set of responsibilities, allowing the group to function smoothly and efficiently.

Category: verbal-modifiers

17) The talented artist, ____________________, competed in the prestigious nationwide contest.

Category: verbal-modifiers

18) The research team went on the expedition, ______________________, to discover previously unknown species.

Category: verbal-commas

19) The city offers a range of cultural experiences, such as art galleries, music concerts, and live theater performances.__________.

Category: verbal-commas

20) The local zoo has a wide array of animals such as giraffes, zebras, lions, and even crocodiles. Visitors can enjoy walking around, watching the animals, and learning about them through interactive exhibits.__________.

Category: verbal-Tense

21) By the end of the summer, the athlete _______ over three hundred miles in preparation for the upcoming marathon.
Which choice properly completes the text, according to the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal-paralelism

22) After practicing her violin, Maria loved to relax  ____, reading a riveting novel, and enjoying a cup of her favorite tea. These activities helped her unwind and prepare for the following day's tasks.

Category: verbal-paralelism

23) To better understand the subject, Roger spent time talking with experts, reading relevant literature, and ____. He wanted to become knowledgeable in various aspects of the topic.

Category: verbal-transitions

24) Although artificial intelligence has the potential to greatly enhance efficiency and productivity across various industries, it also raises many ethical questions and concerns. _______, it is important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks when implementing such technologies. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

25) As the ice caps continue to melt at an alarming rate, global sea levels are expected to rise, putting coastal communities at an increased risk of flooding. ______, these same communities are likely to face more frequent extreme weather events due to climate change. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Bees are responsible for pollinating about one-third of the world's food crops.

• Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization and the reproduction of plants.

• Some bee populations have been declining rapidly due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change.

• Protecting bee populations is vital for maintaining global food security and ecosystem balance.

The student wants to convey the importance of bees for global food security and the need for their conservation. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface.

• 97.5% of all Earth's water is saltwater, mostly found in oceans.

• 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater, but only about 0.3% is accessible for human use.

• The rest of the freshwater is in glaciers, ice caps, and underground aquifers.

The student wants to relay the scarcity and importance of freshwater resources to an audience. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

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Module 2 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 2- Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) Revolutionary for her time, the acclaimed poet skillfully used her words to challenge societal norms and captivate her audience. Her poetry was not only beautiful but also inherently ______.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) Many young professionals are attracted to urban environments that offer a diverse range of recreational and cultural opportunities. As a result, cities with a vibrant _____ are more likely to attract and retain talented individuals.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) Instead of expressing gratitude for the generous offer of assistance, the team leader responded with _____, dismissing the kind gesture as unnecessary and unwarranted.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) In spite of the athlete's fall from grace after the scandal, many fans continued to harbor a measure of ______ for their former idol, recognizing the impact he once had on the sport.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

5) In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first US patent for the invention of the telephone, an instrument that could transmit sound telegraphically. Bell's invention was the product of years of research and experimentation in the fields of acoustics and electrical engineering. The telephone revolutionized communication, allowing instantaneous long-distance communication and paving the way for the development of modern telecommunications. Today, the telephone has evolved into various forms, including mobile and digital devices, which continue to play an essential role in our daily lives and global connectivity.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was crucial to the discovery of the DNA double helix structure. Franklin's X-ray diffraction images of DNA fibers led her to deduce the structure of the molecule, a critically important piece of information that contributed to the development of the double helix model by James Watson and Francis Crick. Despite her significant contribution, Franklin was not awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with Watson, Crick, and Maurice Wilkins, due in part to her untimely death and the Nobel Prize's prohibition against posthumous awards.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

7) Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. To name a few use-cases, AI-powered algorithms are being used to assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting stock market trends, and optimizing traffic patterns in cities. Despite concerns about potential job losses, many experts believe that AI will ultimately prove beneficial by automating mundane tasks and enhancing productivity. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbalparagraphcomparison3

8) Passage 1:

Education through the ages has often coveted rote memorization and normalized uniform assessments as the benchmark for scholarly achievement. Detractors of this regimented approach impugn it for hampering innovation, analytical prowess, and the aptitude to tackle complex problems—key drivers in the contemporary landscape. Proponents of an educational overhaul endorse a pedagogy that gravitates toward learner-centric initiatives, blending pragmatic exercises, open discourse, and tangible learning situations.


Passage 2:

The longstanding education model—with its veneration for fact retention and normative evaluations—has come under increasing scrutiny. An evolving consensus underscores that scholastic programs ought to nurture a broader spectrum of competencies, encompassing inventive thought, analytical reasoning, and versatility in problem-solving. In pursuit of such aims, it is reasonable to advocate that curricula ought to evolve dynamically, featuring a mosaic of pedagogical styles and evaluative instruments that resonate with the discrete abilities of every pupil.

Would the author of Passage 2 likely support or oppose the educational transformation posited by Passage 1, and how might they articulate this standpoint?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) As part of a large-scale city planning project, urban designer Stephen Clark is putting together a comprehensive proposal to revitalize underused public spaces in a metropolitan area. Among many factors, Clark believes that incorporating green spaces and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure into public spaces can increase the community's social cohesion, well-being, and overall satisfaction. To validate his belief, Clark studied multiple urban public spaces that underwent revitalization projects focused on adding greenery and improving pedestrian access, and compared their outcomes to other public spaces that did not receive such improvements. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Clark's belief?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) Digital streaming services have taken over the music industry in the past few years, and many argue that they have had a positive impact on artists and consumers alike. Proponents claim that streaming services provide artists with more exposure and listeners with more diverse music choices. Which finding, if true, would most directly support the proponents' argument?

Category: graphverbal


The metropolitan city of Greenway has always been at the forefront of promoting sustainable living practices. As vehicle emissions continued to contribute to urban pollution levels, the city council decided to act by improving the public transportation system. Under the "Ride Green, Live Clean" initiative, Greenway upgraded its buses to eco-friendly models, expanded transit routes, and introduced discounted monthly passes. The council's ultimate objective was to cut down individual car use by increasing public transportation ridership to surpass personal vehicle trips within five years.__________

Which of the following would be a proper conclusion to the paragraph based on the information in the scatter plot that tracks public transportation usage and personal vehicle trips in Greenway over the last five years?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) In an effort to limit the consumption of single-use plastic products and reduce the environmental impacts of plastic waste, many governments around the world have introduced plastic bag taxes or bans. Such policies aim to encourage the use of reusable alternatives, such as cloth or canvas bags, thereby reducing the demand for single-use plastics. If plastic bag taxes and bans effectively curb the usage of single-use plastics, these policies may _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) Urban agriculture, the practice of cultivating plant and animal products within and around cities, has gained popularity in recent years as a possible means of enhancing food security, sustainability, and community engagement. Examples of urban agriculture range from community gardens to rooftop greenhouses and vertical farming installations. The integration of urban agriculture initiatives into city planning and design may help address a variety of challenges, including food access, environmental impact, and public health. If urban agriculture initiatives can be successfully scaled and integrated into comprehensive urban development strategies, they might _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-Tense

14) Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation _________ lasting impact on American history and the eventual abolition of slavery.
Which choice adheres to the rules of Standard English?

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

15) Vanessa loves to create unique artwork using various mediums. She often experiments with different techniques to achieve her desired effects ___________ watercolors, acrylics, and pastels.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

16) Throughout his career, Charles has worked in several different industries, including finance, technology, and healthcare _________ this wide range of experiences has given him valuable skills and insights.

Category: verbal-paralelism

17) For optimal home organization, Marie decided to declutter her living spaces, create designated storage areas, and ____. She hoped these efforts would help her maintain a tidy environment.

Category: verbal-commas

18) Before the class began, the teacher reminded the students to have their notebooks, textbooks, and pencils ready.__________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) In the school cafeteria, students can choose from a variety of meals, including pizza, salad, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.__________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

20) The ancient ruins, steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, fascinated experts and tourists alike. Painstakingly excavated over the years and carefully preserved, __________________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-redundancy

21) To ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens, local governments typically provide essential services such as waste management, clean water supplies, and emergency response teams. Another fundamental service offered by most municipalities is the _________.

Category: verbal-transitions

22) After being extensively trained by elite chefs in some of the world's finest restaurants, Jeremy had honed his cooking skills to near-perfection. _______, working at such establishments had familiarized him with the art of creating visually stunning presentations for his dishes.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?


Category: verbal-transitions

23) Lya enjoyed teaching her peers a variety of subjects, including mathematics, physics, and computer programming. _______, she excelled in her own studies, consistently ranking among the top performers in her class. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

24) Solar energy is a promising and sustainable source of renewable power, capable of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. _______, ongoing research and development efforts aim to improve solar panel efficiency and decrease production costs, making this energy source more accessible for the general population. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

25) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Deforestation is the removal of large areas of forests for human purposes.

• Some primary causes of deforestation include agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development

. • Deforestation contributes to climate change by releasing carbon stored in trees and reducing the planet's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

• Deforestation also leads to the loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

The student wants to emphasize the negative consequences of deforestation. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Molecular gastronomy is a culinary discipline that explores the science and chemistry of cooking.

• The movement began in the 1990s, led by chefs Ferran Adrià and Heston Blumenthal.

• Molecular gastronomy techniques include spherification, sous-vide, and foam preparation.

• The discipline seeks to understand the molecular transformations that occur during cooking processes and use the knowledge to create unique culinary experiences.

The student wants to introduce the concept of molecular gastronomy and the techniques involved. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Urban gardens are small green spaces created within cities or towns.

• These gardens contribute positively to mental health and well-being for urban dwellers.

• Urban gardens help improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and reducing noise pollution.

• They also promote biodiversity by providing habitats for native plants and wildlife.

The student wants to emphasize the various benefits of urban gardens for city environments. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Module 1 - Math

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-Math Module 1- Module

1 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

1. A triangle has one angle that is 20 degrees less than twice the measure of another angle. The third angle is 30 degrees more than the first angle. What is the measure of the largest angle in the triangle?

2 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

2. A rectangle has a length of 12 inches and a width of 4 inches. What is the area of the rectangle?

3 / 24

Category: math-statistics

3. The heights of ten basketball players are 159, 173, 182, 187, 193, 194, 199, 201, 204, and 212 cm. What is the range of their heights?

4 / 24

Category: math-statistics

4. The mean of five numbers is 15. If one of the numbers is removed, the remaining numbers have a mean of 12. What is the number that was removed?

5 / 24

Category: math-statistics

5. The test scores of a group of students are given as follows: 95, 90, 92, 89, 96, 85, 91, 98, 90, and 93. What is the mode of the data?

6 / 24

Category: math-grid

6. A rectangular garden is 12 meters long and 5 meters wide. If the length is increased by an unknown number of meters and the width is increased by 2 meters, the area of the garden becomes 104 square meters. What is the value of the unknown number?

7 / 24

Category: math-grid

7. If x and y are positive integers such that x^2 + y^2 = 85, find the smallest possible value of x + y.

8 / 24

Category: math-grid

8. Melanie invests $1000 at a simple annual interest rate of 5%. At the end of two years, what will her investment be worth in dollars?

9 / 24

Category: math-grid

9. A triangle has angles of 45 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. If the length of the hypotenuse is 20, what is the area of the triangle?

10 / 24

Category: math-algebra

10. In the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, which of the following expressions represents the sum of the solutions x1 and x2?

11 / 24

Category: math-algebra

11. Find the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation x² - 7x + 10 = 0.

12 / 24

Category: math-algebra

12. Solve the following system of equations: x + y = 6 and x² + y² = 36.

13 / 24

Category: math-polynomials

13. Add the polynomials: (3x² - 3x + 1) + (2x² + x + 4)

14 / 24

Category: math-sequences

14. In a geometric sequence, the first term a₁ = 4, and the common ratio r = 3. What is the sum of the first 6 terms?

15 / 24

Category: math-sequences

15. In a geometric sequence, if the first term is a₁ = 8 and the common ratio r = -2, what is the 4th term of the sequence?

16 / 24

Category: math-geometry

16. What are the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (8, 10) and (4, 2)?

17 / 24

Category: math-geometry

17. In triangle ABC, angle A is 90 degrees, AB = 5, and AC = 12. Find the length of BC.

18 / 24

Category: math-trigonometry

18. In a right triangle, the lengths of two sides are 5 cm and 10 cm. Which of these could be the length of the hypotenuse?

19 / 24

Category: math-graph


In the figure shown, BC = 5, and the length of line segment AD is half the length of line segment CD. What is the length of line segment DE?

20 / 24

Category: math-graph


The functions f(x) and g(x) are graphed in the xy-plane and their graphs show that the equation f(x) = g(x) has two solutions. Which of the following functions h represents a set of transformations on f after which the equation h(x) = g(x) has no solutions?

21 / 24

Category: math-graph


The graph shows the payment scheme that Company Y offers to each of its salesmen. According to this payment scheme, part of a salesman’s monthly payment P in thousand dollars is based on the sales S in thousand dollars they make during the specific month.

What does the P-intercept represent in the graph?

22 / 24

Category: math-graph


The function f(x) is graphed . If g(x) = f(x)-1, which of the following statements is true?


23 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

23. A recipe requires 7 cups of flour for every 15 cookies. If you want to make 45 cookies, how many cups of flour do you need?

24 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

24. A factory produces 800 toys every 8 hours. If the factory operates for 20 hours, but during the last 5 hours, the production rate is increased by 50%, how many toys will the factory produce in total during the 20-hour period?

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Module 2 - Math

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-Math Module 2- Module

1. Alex wants to save $250 for a new smartphone. He saves $50 each week. How many weeks will he need to save the required amount of money?

2. Carla earns $12 per hour for working at a cafe. If she works 25 hours per week, how much does she earn per week?

3. A spinner is divided into eight equal parts, with each part representing a number from 1 to 8. What is the probability of spinning an even number?

4. A recent survey found that 120 out of 500 people in a community walk to work daily. What is the probability that a person chosen at random from the community walks to work daily?

5. A bag contains 6 red marbles, 4 blue marbles, and 10 green marbles. If a marble is drawn from the bag without looking and then replaced, what is the probability of drawing a red marble twice in a row?

6. If the length of each side of a square is increased four times, what is the ratio of the area of the new square to the area of the original square?

7. A car rental company charges $25 per day plus an extra $0.15 per mile driven. How many miles can someone drive in one day on a budget of $50?

8. A total of 300 students take a test. If 80 students score below 60 and 140 students score 60-80, how many students score above 80?

9. In a bag of marbles, there are 5 red marbles, 6 green marbles, and 9 blue marbles. What is the probability of pulling a red marble from the bag?

10. Solve the following system of linear inequalities: y >= 2x - 1 and y <= x + 3.

11. Solve the quadratic equation x² - 5x + 6 = 0.

12. What is the inverse of the function f(x) = 3x - 2?

13. Simplify the expression: 3x - 4x + 2x

14. An arithmetic sequence has a first term a₁ = -4 and a common difference d = 6. What is the sum of the 11th, 12th, and 13th terms of the sequence?

15. An arithmetic sequence has the first term a₁ = 3 and the sum of the first 12 terms S₁₂ = 90. What is the common difference of this sequence?

16. In an isosceles triangle with vertex angle V and base angles B1 and B2, the measures of angles B1 and B2 are each 40 degrees. What is the measure of angle V in degrees?

17. A circle has a diameter of length 18. What is the area of the circle?

18. A right triangle has a hypotenuse of length 16 cm and an angle of 60°. Find the length of the side opposite the 60° angle.


The function f models Jack's pulse, in beats per minute (bpm), as a function of his speed, in kilometers per hour (km/h), on a stationary bicycle. Based on the model, what was Jack's pulse, in bpm, when his speed was 0 km/h?


In the figure, triangles ABC and DBE are right triangles. What is cos B?


The table above shows the masses, in kilograms (kg), and lengths, in centimeters (cm), of the largest known specimens of the 9 most massive types of turtles and tortoises. The mean mass of the 9 turtles and tortoises is approximately 331kg. The mass of the Aldabra giant tortoise is closest to the mean mass. Which of the following is true about the length of the Aldabra giant tortoise in relation to the median length of the 9 turtles and tortoises?


The daily high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, for a city in the month of February in 2017 are summarized in the box plot shown. Which of the following is closest to the median of the high temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the city in February 2017?

23. In a group of 60 people, 25 people like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, 15 people like only chocolate ice cream, and 12 people like only vanilla ice cream. How many people in the group like neither chocolate nor vanilla ice cream?

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