




































































































Important tip: (1)Go through the flashcards and (2)download the audio to your phone/pc. Listen on repeat (you can also listen on the background while you are focused on a different task.) (3)Then, take the quizzes on this page which have been specifically designed around these 50 words. Repeat the process untill you learn all the words and move on to the next flashcard page.

Quiz 1


Vocab quiz 13

1 / 46

1. The avarice of the man was evident in his desire for more and more wealth.

2 / 46

2. The quixotic man was always trying to do the right thing, even if it was impossible.

3 / 46

3. The superfluous words were unnecessary and added nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

4 / 46

4. The exorbitant price of the car was more than I could affor

5 / 46

5. The hyperbole of the speech was evident in the way the speaker exaggerated the facts.

6 / 46

6. The poignant story made me feel sad and move

7 / 46

7. The integral part of the plan was essential to its success.

8 / 46

8. The tantamount to saying that the two things were the same.

9 / 46

9. The convivial party was full of laughter and good cheer.

10 / 46

10. The florid language of the poem was full of beautiful imagery.

11 / 46

11. The ornate vase was decorated with intricate carvings.

12 / 46

12. The accessible building was easy to get into.

13 / 46

13. The docile child was always obedient and well-behave

14 / 46

14. The irascible man was easily angered and quick to lose his temper.

15 / 46

15. The gullible person was easily tricked or deceive

16 / 46

16. The pliant person was easily persuade

17 / 46

17. The irascible man was always getting into fights.

18 / 46

18. The pugnacious man was always looking for a fight.

19 / 46

19. The truculent man was always threatening violence.

20 / 46

20. The prosaic speech was dull and uninteresting.

21 / 46

21. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret.

22 / 46

22. The indiscriminate shopper bought everything she saw.

23 / 46

23. The furtive glance was quick and sneaky.

24 / 46

24. The perfunctory job was done without any care or attention to detail.

25 / 46

25. The unilateral decision was made by one person without consulting others.

26 / 46

26. The clandestine meeting was held in secret.

27 / 46

27. The hegemony of the United States was evident in its power and influence.

28 / 46

28. The bifurcated road split into two branches.

29 / 46

29. The eminent professor was respected by his peers.

30 / 46

30. The licentious man was always chasing women.

31 / 46

31. The fervent believer was always praying and attending church.

32 / 46

32. The fawning servant was always trying to please the master.

33 / 46

33. The scrupulous person was always honest and ethical.

34 / 46

34. The recondite subject was difficult to understan

35 / 46

35. The enigmatic message was full of mystery.

36 / 46

36. The implausible story was too good to be true.

37 / 46

37. The cantankerous old man was always complaining.

38 / 46

38. The hedonistic person was only interested in pleasure.

39 / 46

39. The utilitarian person was only interested in what was useful.

40 / 46

40. The estimable person was worthy of respect.

41 / 46

41. The culpable person was guilty of wrongdoing.

42 / 46

42. The fallow field was not being use

43 / 46

43. The eclectic person was interested in many different things.

44 / 46

44. The turpitude of the act was evident in its wickedness.

45 / 46

45. The incisive remark cut to the heart of the matter.

46 / 46

46. The bellicose man was always ready to fight.

Your score is

Quiz 2


Vocab quiz 13

1 / 46

1. The avarice of the man was evident in his desire for more and more wealth.

2 / 46

2. The quixotic man was always trying to do the right thing, even if it was impossible.

3 / 46

3. The superfluous words were unnecessary and added nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

4 / 46

4. The exorbitant price of the car was more than I could affor

5 / 46

5. The hyperbole of the speech was evident in the way the speaker exaggerated the facts.

6 / 46

6. The poignant story made me feel sad and move

7 / 46

7. The integral part of the plan was essential to its success.

8 / 46

8. The tantamount to saying that the two things were the same.

9 / 46

9. The convivial party was full of laughter and good cheer.

10 / 46

10. The florid language of the poem was full of beautiful imagery.

11 / 46

11. The ornate vase was decorated with intricate carvings.

12 / 46

12. The accessible building was easy to get into.

13 / 46

13. The docile child was always obedient and well-behave

14 / 46

14. The irascible man was easily angered and quick to lose his temper.

15 / 46

15. The gullible person was easily tricked or deceive

16 / 46

16. The pliant person was easily persuade

17 / 46

17. The irascible man was always getting into fights.

18 / 46

18. The pugnacious man was always looking for a fight.

19 / 46

19. The truculent man was always threatening violence.

20 / 46

20. The prosaic speech was dull and uninteresting.

21 / 46

21. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret.

22 / 46

22. The indiscriminate shopper bought everything she saw.

23 / 46

23. The furtive glance was quick and sneaky.

24 / 46

24. The perfunctory job was done without any care or attention to detail.

25 / 46

25. The unilateral decision was made by one person without consulting others.

26 / 46

26. The clandestine meeting was held in secret.

27 / 46

27. The hegemony of the United States was evident in its power and influence.

28 / 46

28. The bifurcated road split into two branches.

29 / 46

29. The eminent professor was respected by his peers.

30 / 46

30. The licentious man was always chasing women.

31 / 46

31. The fervent believer was always praying and attending church.

32 / 46

32. The fawning servant was always trying to please the master.

33 / 46

33. The scrupulous person was always honest and ethical.

34 / 46

34. The recondite subject was difficult to understan

35 / 46

35. The enigmatic message was full of mystery.

36 / 46

36. The implausible story was too good to be true.

37 / 46

37. The cantankerous old man was always complaining.

38 / 46

38. The hedonistic person was only interested in pleasure.

39 / 46

39. The utilitarian person was only interested in what was useful.

40 / 46

40. The estimable person was worthy of respect.

41 / 46

41. The culpable person was guilty of wrongdoing.

42 / 46

42. The fallow field was not being use

43 / 46

43. The eclectic person was interested in many different things.

44 / 46

44. The turpitude of the act was evident in its wickedness.

45 / 46

45. The incisive remark cut to the heart of the matter.

46 / 46

46. The bellicose man was always ready to fight.

Your score is

Quiz 3


Vocab quiz 13

1 / 46

1. The avarice of the man was evident in his desire for more and more wealth.

2 / 46

2. The quixotic man was always trying to do the right thing, even if it was impossible.

3 / 46

3. The superfluous words were unnecessary and added nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

4 / 46

4. The exorbitant price of the car was more than I could affor

5 / 46

5. The hyperbole of the speech was evident in the way the speaker exaggerated the facts.

6 / 46

6. The poignant story made me feel sad and move

7 / 46

7. The integral part of the plan was essential to its success.

8 / 46

8. The tantamount to saying that the two things were the same.

9 / 46

9. The convivial party was full of laughter and good cheer.

10 / 46

10. The florid language of the poem was full of beautiful imagery.

11 / 46

11. The ornate vase was decorated with intricate carvings.

12 / 46

12. The accessible building was easy to get into.

13 / 46

13. The docile child was always obedient and well-behave

14 / 46

14. The irascible man was easily angered and quick to lose his temper.

15 / 46

15. The gullible person was easily tricked or deceive

16 / 46

16. The pliant person was easily persuade

17 / 46

17. The irascible man was always getting into fights.

18 / 46

18. The pugnacious man was always looking for a fight.

19 / 46

19. The truculent man was always threatening violence.

20 / 46

20. The prosaic speech was dull and uninteresting.

21 / 46

21. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret.

22 / 46

22. The indiscriminate shopper bought everything she saw.

23 / 46

23. The furtive glance was quick and sneaky.

24 / 46

24. The perfunctory job was done without any care or attention to detail.

25 / 46

25. The unilateral decision was made by one person without consulting others.

26 / 46

26. The clandestine meeting was held in secret.

27 / 46

27. The hegemony of the United States was evident in its power and influence.

28 / 46

28. The bifurcated road split into two branches.

29 / 46

29. The eminent professor was respected by his peers.

30 / 46

30. The licentious man was always chasing women.

31 / 46

31. The fervent believer was always praying and attending church.

32 / 46

32. The fawning servant was always trying to please the master.

33 / 46

33. The scrupulous person was always honest and ethical.

34 / 46

34. The recondite subject was difficult to understan

35 / 46

35. The enigmatic message was full of mystery.

36 / 46

36. The implausible story was too good to be true.

37 / 46

37. The cantankerous old man was always complaining.

38 / 46

38. The hedonistic person was only interested in pleasure.

39 / 46

39. The utilitarian person was only interested in what was useful.

40 / 46

40. The estimable person was worthy of respect.

41 / 46

41. The culpable person was guilty of wrongdoing.

42 / 46

42. The fallow field was not being use

43 / 46

43. The eclectic person was interested in many different things.

44 / 46

44. The turpitude of the act was evident in its wickedness.

45 / 46

45. The incisive remark cut to the heart of the matter.

46 / 46

46. The bellicose man was always ready to fight.

Your score is

Quiz 4


Vocab quiz 13

1 / 46

1. The avarice of the man was evident in his desire for more and more wealth.

2 / 46

2. The quixotic man was always trying to do the right thing, even if it was impossible.

3 / 46

3. The superfluous words were unnecessary and added nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

4 / 46

4. The exorbitant price of the car was more than I could affor

5 / 46

5. The hyperbole of the speech was evident in the way the speaker exaggerated the facts.

6 / 46

6. The poignant story made me feel sad and move

7 / 46

7. The integral part of the plan was essential to its success.

8 / 46

8. The tantamount to saying that the two things were the same.

9 / 46

9. The convivial party was full of laughter and good cheer.

10 / 46

10. The florid language of the poem was full of beautiful imagery.

11 / 46

11. The ornate vase was decorated with intricate carvings.

12 / 46

12. The accessible building was easy to get into.

13 / 46

13. The docile child was always obedient and well-behave

14 / 46

14. The irascible man was easily angered and quick to lose his temper.

15 / 46

15. The gullible person was easily tricked or deceive

16 / 46

16. The pliant person was easily persuade

17 / 46

17. The irascible man was always getting into fights.

18 / 46

18. The pugnacious man was always looking for a fight.

19 / 46

19. The truculent man was always threatening violence.

20 / 46

20. The prosaic speech was dull and uninteresting.

21 / 46

21. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret.

22 / 46

22. The indiscriminate shopper bought everything she saw.

23 / 46

23. The furtive glance was quick and sneaky.

24 / 46

24. The perfunctory job was done without any care or attention to detail.

25 / 46

25. The unilateral decision was made by one person without consulting others.

26 / 46

26. The clandestine meeting was held in secret.

27 / 46

27. The hegemony of the United States was evident in its power and influence.

28 / 46

28. The bifurcated road split into two branches.

29 / 46

29. The eminent professor was respected by his peers.

30 / 46

30. The licentious man was always chasing women.

31 / 46

31. The fervent believer was always praying and attending church.

32 / 46

32. The fawning servant was always trying to please the master.

33 / 46

33. The scrupulous person was always honest and ethical.

34 / 46

34. The recondite subject was difficult to understan

35 / 46

35. The enigmatic message was full of mystery.

36 / 46

36. The implausible story was too good to be true.

37 / 46

37. The cantankerous old man was always complaining.

38 / 46

38. The hedonistic person was only interested in pleasure.

39 / 46

39. The utilitarian person was only interested in what was useful.

40 / 46

40. The estimable person was worthy of respect.

41 / 46

41. The culpable person was guilty of wrongdoing.

42 / 46

42. The fallow field was not being use

43 / 46

43. The eclectic person was interested in many different things.

44 / 46

44. The turpitude of the act was evident in its wickedness.

45 / 46

45. The incisive remark cut to the heart of the matter.

46 / 46

46. The bellicose man was always ready to fight.

Your score is

Quiz 5


Vocab quiz 13

1 / 46

1. The avarice of the man was evident in his desire for more and more wealth.

2 / 46

2. The quixotic man was always trying to do the right thing, even if it was impossible.

3 / 46

3. The superfluous words were unnecessary and added nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

4 / 46

4. The exorbitant price of the car was more than I could affor

5 / 46

5. The hyperbole of the speech was evident in the way the speaker exaggerated the facts.

6 / 46

6. The poignant story made me feel sad and move

7 / 46

7. The integral part of the plan was essential to its success.

8 / 46

8. The tantamount to saying that the two things were the same.

9 / 46

9. The convivial party was full of laughter and good cheer.

10 / 46

10. The florid language of the poem was full of beautiful imagery.

11 / 46

11. The ornate vase was decorated with intricate carvings.

12 / 46

12. The accessible building was easy to get into.

13 / 46

13. The docile child was always obedient and well-behave

14 / 46

14. The irascible man was easily angered and quick to lose his temper.

15 / 46

15. The gullible person was easily tricked or deceive

16 / 46

16. The pliant person was easily persuade

17 / 46

17. The irascible man was always getting into fights.

18 / 46

18. The pugnacious man was always looking for a fight.

19 / 46

19. The truculent man was always threatening violence.

20 / 46

20. The prosaic speech was dull and uninteresting.

21 / 46

21. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret.

22 / 46

22. The indiscriminate shopper bought everything she saw.

23 / 46

23. The furtive glance was quick and sneaky.

24 / 46

24. The perfunctory job was done without any care or attention to detail.

25 / 46

25. The unilateral decision was made by one person without consulting others.

26 / 46

26. The clandestine meeting was held in secret.

27 / 46

27. The hegemony of the United States was evident in its power and influence.

28 / 46

28. The bifurcated road split into two branches.

29 / 46

29. The eminent professor was respected by his peers.

30 / 46

30. The licentious man was always chasing women.

31 / 46

31. The fervent believer was always praying and attending church.

32 / 46

32. The fawning servant was always trying to please the master.

33 / 46

33. The scrupulous person was always honest and ethical.

34 / 46

34. The recondite subject was difficult to understan

35 / 46

35. The enigmatic message was full of mystery.

36 / 46

36. The implausible story was too good to be true.

37 / 46

37. The cantankerous old man was always complaining.

38 / 46

38. The hedonistic person was only interested in pleasure.

39 / 46

39. The utilitarian person was only interested in what was useful.

40 / 46

40. The estimable person was worthy of respect.

41 / 46

41. The culpable person was guilty of wrongdoing.

42 / 46

42. The fallow field was not being use

43 / 46

43. The eclectic person was interested in many different things.

44 / 46

44. The turpitude of the act was evident in its wickedness.

45 / 46

45. The incisive remark cut to the heart of the matter.

46 / 46

46. The bellicose man was always ready to fight.

Your score is

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