Definition: The use of unnecessarily wordy or indirect language to evade an issue or topic; a roundabout way of speaking
Sample sentence: The politician's circumlocution left the audience feeling frustrated and unsure of his true stance on the issue.
Definition: The violation or misuse of something sacred or held in high esteem; a disrespectful act against a religious or holy object or person
Sample sentence: Stealing the treasured artifact from the church was considered a sacrilege by the community.
Definition: Threatening or harmful, often in a subtle or indirect way; malignant or sinister
Sample sentence: The villain's baleful presence was felt throughout the story, leaving the reader in suspense.
Definition: Tireless; persisting or continuing with unwavering energy, effort, or enthusiasm
Sample sentence: His indefatigable spirit and devotion to the cause inspired many others to join the movement.
Definition: To accept, agree, or give in without protest or resistance, often reluctantly
Sample sentence: After considering her options, she decided to acquiesce to her boss's demands for the sake of keeping her job.
Definition: To adopt or support a cause, belief, or idea; to advocate for or embrace a particular viewpoint
Sample sentence: The environmentalist espoused the importance of conservation and sustainable practices in her keynote address.
Definition: To adopt or support a cause, belief, or way of life; to embrace or champion
Sample sentence: She decided to espouse the cause of animal rights and became an advocate for their welfare.
Definition: To ask earnestly or anxiously; to beg, implore, or plead with someone
Sample sentence: The villagers entreated the king for protection from the marauding invaders.
Definition: To assert or confess openly; to acknowledge or declare something frankly or publicly
Sample sentence: She was not afraid to avow her political beliefs despite the risk of backlash.
Definition: To attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage; to lure or seduce
Sample sentence: The store tried to entice customers with a special sale and free samples.
Definition: To become weak or feeble; to suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation; to lose energy or vitality
Sample sentence: The houseplants languished in the dimly lit room, struggling to grow without proper sunlight.
Definition: To begin to grow or increase rapidly; to flourish or expand
Sample sentence: In the spring, the flowers in the garden began to burgeon, filling the space with vibrant colors.
Definition: To belittle or speak ill of someone or something; to criticize in a derogatory manner
Sample sentence: His opponents attempted to disparage his reputation by spreading rumors about his past.
Definition: To bring about peace, goodwill, or cooperation between people or groups through discussion or negotiation; to reconcile
Sample sentence: The diplomat worked tirelessly to conciliate the warring countries and establish a lasting truce.
Definition: To bring something to completion or perfection; highly skilled or accomplished+
Definition: To call into question; to dispute or cast doubt on the truth, validity, or honesty of something or someone
Sample sentence: The defense attorney sought to impugn the credibility of the key witness during the trial.
Definition: To call upon or appeal to a higher authority, such as a law or deity; to implore or beseech for support or assistance
Sample sentence: In her speech, the human rights activist invoked the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to demand equality for all.
Definition: To cast off or discard, especially with regard to cargo or plans; to abandon or reject something; to throw off
Sample sentence: The crew jettisoned the unnecessary equipment to reduce the weight of the sinking ship.
Definition: To cause a sharp division or separation between people or groups, often due to differences in opinion or beliefs
Sample sentence: The controversial issue of gun control continued to polarize the nation.
Definition: To cause or give rise to a feeling, situation, or condition; to create or generate
Sample sentence: The politician's controversial comments engendered a heated debate among the public.
Definition: To cause someone to feel disturbed, unsettled, or embarrassed; to upset the composure of
Sample sentence: Her unexpected entrance into the room disconcerted the conspirators, who quickly dispersed.
Definition: To cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly, especially a negative event or situation; to hasten or bring about
Sample sentence: The assassination of the Archduke precipitated the outbreak of World War I.
Definition: To cause surprise or confusion in someone, especially by acting against their expectations; to perplex or bewilder
Sample sentence: His decision to leave the well-paying job confounded his friends and family.
Definition: To charm or enchant someone, often in a deceptive or misleading way; to captivate or attract
Sample sentence: He was known to beguile his listeners with captivating stories of adventure and romance.
Definition: To clear from accusation or blame; to absolve of guilt or responsibility
Sample sentence: The security camera footage was able to exonerate the suspect, proving his innocence.
Definition: To clear from blame or guilt; to prove someone is not responsible for a wrongdoing or crime
Sample sentence: The newly discovered evidence served to exculpate the suspect, leading to her release from jail.
Definition: To combine, blend, or unite into a single, cohesive entity or whole; to merge or mix together
Sample sentence: The two companies decided to amalgamate and operate as one larger company.
Definition: To comfort or provide solace to someone who is suffering or feeling sorrow, disappointment, or despair
Sample sentence: They tried to console their friend after her beloved pet passed away.
Definition: To completely destroy a building, settlement, or structure, so that nothing is left standing; to level to the ground
Sample sentence: The enemy army threatened to raze the city if the defenders did not surrender.
Definition: To completely destroy or eradicate something, usually a problem, practice, or organism; to root out and eliminate
Sample sentence: The organization worked tirelessly to extirpate the invasive species from the local ecosystem.
Definition: To conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs; to speak or act hypocritically
Sample sentence: He tried to dissemble his true intentions by offering a false reason for his actions.
Definition: To consign or assign to an inferior position, place, or condition; to demote or degrade
Sample sentence: After the embarrassing mistake, he was relegated to a less important role within the company.
Definition: To consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position; to banish or exile someone to a lower status
Sample sentence: After failing to meet her sales quota, she was relegated to a less prestigious position within the company.
Definition: To conspire or scheme, often with the intention of committing a wrongful or illegal act; to collude or plot
Sample sentence: The group of students connived to cheat on the final exam.
Definition: To correct or discipline, usually through punishment or suffering; to humble or subdue
Sample sentence: The athlete's loss in the championship match chastened his previously overconfident attitude.
Definition: To criticize or belittle someone or something unfairly; to disparage or defame; to insult or demean
Sample sentence: The speaker denigrated his opponent's achievements in an attempt to discredit his qualifications.
Definition: To criticize or punish someone severely, often in a public manner; to reprimand or chastise
Sample sentence: The coach was known to castigate players for their lack of effort during practice.
Definition: To criticize or reprimand severely, often with the intent of correcting or improving behavior
Sample sentence: The teacher castigated the student for his repeated tardiness and inattention in class.
Definition: To deliberately avoid or abstain from; to shun or steer clear of
Sample sentence: As a vegetarian, he chose to eschew meat and seek out alternative protein sources.
Definition: To deliberately avoid using or abstaining from something, especially as a matter of principle or habit
Sample sentence: In an effort to be environmentally friendly, he chose to eschew single-use plastic products.
Definition: To deliberately speak or act in an evasive or ambiguous way to avoid telling the truth or to mislead; to equivocate
Sample sentence: The suspect continued to prevaricate, even when the truth was evident to the detectives.
Definition: To deny any responsibility or support for something; to disclaim knowledge of or involvement with
Sample sentence: The politician quickly disavowed the controversial statements made by his former associate.
Definition: To depart from an established course, standard, or norm; to diverge or stray
Sample sentence: The scientist began to deviate from traditional methods in pursuit of new discoveries.
Definition: To deprive or strip someone of something, such as rights, possessions, or authority; to dispossess
Sample sentence: The king was divested of his power after being overthrown by the rebels.
Definition: To deprive someone of the right or privilege to vote or to participate in a decision-making process; to exclude or marginalize
Sample sentence: The new voting laws effectively disenfranchised many minority voters, who faced barriers to accessing the polls.
Definition: To describe or portray in detail, often with precision or clarity; to outline or define the boundaries of something
Sample sentence: The artist carefully delineated the figure in the foreground, making it stand out from the background.
Definition: To destroy or remove completely; to eliminate or get rid of; to exterminate
Sample sentence: Researchers are working to find ways to eradicate the harmful bacteria without causing damage to the environment.
Definition: To disperse or scatter; also, to squander or waste, especially time, money, or energy
Sample sentence: The fog began to dissipate as the sun rose.
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