Here are some additional tips and tricks for successfully answering the “logically completing the text” questions on the Digital SAT English section:

1. **Identify the rhetorical purpose**: Determine whether the passage is making an argument, providing an explanation, comparing/contrasting ideas, etc. This will help you anticipate the logical progression and conclusion.

2. **Note transition words**: Pay close attention to transition words like “however,” “therefore,” “in addition,” etc. as they signal logical relationships between ideas.

3. **Look for cause-effect relationships**: Many passages present a cause-and-effect scenario. Identifying the causes will help you predict the logical effects stated in the blank.

4. **Consider counterarguments**: Some passages present opposing viewpoints. Anticipate how the author might address or refute counterarguments in the blank.

5. **Identify analogies or examples**: If the passage uses an analogy or example to illustrate a point, the missing text may extend or conclude that comparison.

6. **Eliminate extreme language**: Answers with absolutes like “always” or “never” are often incorrect unless strongly supported by the passage.

7. **Watch for scope shifts**: Ensure the answer doesn’t change the passage’s scope or introduce new, unsupported ideas.

8. **Use process of elimination**: If you’re stuck between choices, try eliminating the ones you know are incorrect based on evidence from the passage.

9. **Note stylistic consistency**: The correct answer should maintain the same tone, diction, and style as the rest of the passage.

10. **Practice with real examples**: Work through official practice questions to get a better feel for the types of logical completions required.

Remember, these questions test your ability to understand the logic and flow of an argument, not just fill in blanks arbitrarily. Stay focused on the evidence and reasoning presented in the passage.

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