Module 1 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 1- - Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) With genuine humility and _____, the celebrated author acknowledged the contributions of countless individuals who had supported her throughout her career, refusing to accept sole credit for her achievements.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) Throughout the conference, the speaker conveyed complex data and theories in a truly ______ manner that captured the audience's attention and made the material more accessible.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) The politician's speeches were often characterized by ______ rhetoric, which made him popular among his base despite the lack of concrete policy proposals.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) The construction of the massive dam was a significant engineering feat, requiring the collaboration of numerous experts and professionals from various fields. The project truly embodied the concept of ______.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

5) The company's recent product launch was met with ______ reviews from both critics and consumers alike. While some praised its innovative features, others criticized it for being overpriced and lacking durability.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) Antibiotics are medications used to treat bacterial infections by either killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth. However, the widespread use and misuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which pose a serious threat to public health. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria evolve to withstand the effects of an antibiotic, rendering it ineffective. The growing prevalence of antibiotic resistance has prompted global initiatives to encourage responsible antibiotic use and promote the development of new drugs to combat increasingly resistant bacterial strains.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

7) Towers of glass and steel pierced the sky, Posing a question to the gods above, Casting their cold and unyielding shadows On the warm, living vibrancy of the city streets below. Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

8) Technological advancements have enabled scientists to explore the depths of the ocean in unprecedented detail. One significant development is the use of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), which can dive deeper and withstand more extreme conditions than human divers.ROVs have facilitated the discovery of new marine species, geological structures, and even sunken shipwrecks. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) Economist Dr. Walter Johnson published a report suggesting that investing in local public libraries can have a positive impact on local economies, job markets, and educational outcomes. According to Dr. Johnson, the availability of free and accessible resources, along with educational and skill-building programs offered at public libraries, make them a valuable asset to communities. To support his claim, Dr. Johnson compared the economic performance and educational outcomes of towns with well-funded public libraries to towns with underfunded public libraries. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Johnson's claim?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) In an analysis of online learning models, education researcher Dr. Karen Thompson explored the effectiveness of video-based lessons compared to text-based lessons for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. Dr. Thompson theorizes that video-based lessons can provide a more immersive and dynamic learning environment, potentially leading to better student retention and understanding of the subject matter compared to text-based lessons. Her study compared the learning outcomes of two groups of students: one group used video-based lessons, and the other group used text-based lessons to learn the same subject material. Which finding, if true, would most directly support Dr. Thompson's theory?

Category: graphverbal


The Cedar Grove School District implemented an ambitious program aimed at enhancing students' reading proficiency. The "Read to Succeed" initiative incorporated after-school reading clubs, mentorship from local authors, and a diverse selection of books. The goal was to elevate the district's average reading scores significantly above the national average, with a clear margin of success being measured.

-Based on the bar graph for the current year, which of the following statements would most accurately complete the paragrapht above?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) Coral reefs are vital marine ecosystems that support a diverse array of marine species and provide numerous economic, social, and cultural benefits to human populations worldwide. However, climate change and other human-induced threats are causing significant declines in the health and resilience of these critical ecosystems. Efforts to conserve and restore coral reefs often involve the use of a variety of techniques, including artificial reefs, coral transplantation, and habitat enrichment. If successful coral restoration initiatives can help counter the negative impacts of climate change and other disturbances, they would likely _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) Scientific breakthroughs in the field of genomic editing have made it possible to modify the genetic makeup of organisms, including crops that are important for food production. By introducing desirable traits, such as drought resistance or enhanced nutritional content, scientists can potentially improve the efficiency of crop production and increase global food security. If these genetically edited crops are found to have no significant adverse effects on the environment or human health, then their widespread adoption could _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

14) The company provides a wide range of services, such as software development, IT support, and marketing ___________ their clients include both small businesses and large corporations.

Category: verbal - independent clause / run-ons

15) The city library offers multiple resources and services for the community, such as free internet access, study rooms, and educational programs _________ library patrons also have access to a vast collection of books, e-books, and audiovisual materials.

Category: verbal-subject veb agreement

16) An increasing number of companies and organizations ____________ the importance of incorporating sustainable practices into their daily operations, not only for the environment but also for long-term profitability.

Category: verbal-modifiers

17) Evelyn has been passionate about marine life and ocean conservation from a young age. Her dedication inspired her to study marine biology, and eventually, __________________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

18) The sustainability conference aimed to inspire leaders in various industries to commit to environmentally responsible practices. Throughout the event, panelists shared strategies and best practices to _____________________________________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) Before the presentation, the students reviewed their notes, practiced their speech, and double-checked their visual aids.__________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-commas

20) The students arrived early for their dress rehearsal, eager to practice their lines, try on their costumes, and get a feel for the stage.__________.

Category: verbal-Tense

21) As people increasingly adopt eco-friendly lifestyles, the demand for electric vehicles _______ rapidly, pushing automakers to innovate and produce more models to meet the demand.
Which choice completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal-paralelism

22) The star athlete demonstrated exceptional physical strength, unparalleled speed, and ____. These qualities made him highly sought after by top universities.

Category: verbal-paralelism

23) The successful entrepreneur attributes her accomplishments to keen networking skills, a diligent work ethic, and ____. She believes these qualities have been essential to her achievements.

Category: verbal-transitions

24) The new shopping mall has received mixed reviews from local residents. ______ it provides a variety of shops, dining options, and leisure facilities, many argue that its construction led to traffic congestion and the displacement of smaller, locally-owned businesses.

Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

25) One of the primary benefits of online education is the flexibility it offers learners, enabling them to study at their own pace and on their own time. _______, the availability of numerous resources and diverse courses allows individuals to pursue practically any subject of interest. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Classical music is a style of music composed between the 17th and 19th centuries.

• Famous classical composers include Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Johann Sebastian Bach.

• Classical music is characterized by its use of harmony, melody, and structured forms, like sonatas and symphonies.

• Many modern musicians and composers have been inspired by classical music styles and techniques.

The student wants to introduce classical music and its lasting influence on modern musicians. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Coral reefs are diverse marine ecosystems built from calcium carbonate structures created by coral polyps

. • They support a wide variety of marine life, and some rely on symbiotic relationships with algae for survival

. • Coral reefs are important to human economies, providing food, coastal protection, and recreational income

. • Climate change, overfishing, and pollution have resulted in significant threats to coral reefs worldwide.

The student wants to underscore the importance of coral reefs and the threats they face. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

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Module 2 - Reading&Writing

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-Reading and Writing Module 2- Module

Category: verbal - vocabulary

1) The acclaimed author's skillful use of _____ not only enriched her prose but also highlighted her deep understanding of the intricate dynamics of human relationships.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

2) Focused primarily on generating profit, the company had little concern for the detrimental environmental consequences of its actions. It became known as a(n) ______ organization, causing many conscious consumers to boycott its products.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

3) During the economic downturn, the company was forced to implement drastic cost-saving measures. The ______ budget not only impacted employee morale but also diminished overall productivity.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal - vocabulary

4) Despite the company's seemingly bright future, its recent history of budgetary issues and delayed product launches could prove to be a significant _____ to investors.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

5) Charles Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' was first published in 1859, laying the foundation for the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin's theory posited that species evolve over time through a process in which the fittest individuals survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring. His observations during a voyage on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands played a significant role in the development of his theory. Darwin's work not only revolutionized the field of biology but also deeply impacted human understanding of our place in the natural world.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal- mainidea/main purpose

6) The sun emerging after days of rain,
Through silver bars of cloud, gently seeps,
Reviving dormant blooms with welcome touch,
As daylight's warmth cradles verdant earth.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

Category: verbal-sentence function

7) During a recent archaeological expedition in Egypt, a team of researchers uncovered a long-lost tomb filled with ancient artifacts. Among the discoveries were intricately carved statues, pottery, and a well-preserved sarcophagus believed to belong to a high-ranking official from the Thirteenth Dynasty.The researchers hope that further examination of the artifacts will yield valuable insights into daily life and political structures during this period. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

Category: verbalparagraphcomparison3

8) Text 1

The ancient Egyptian writing system, known as hieroglyphics, was deciphered in the 19th century by Jean-François Champollion. However, there is still debate among scholars about the exact meaning of certain symbols and their usage in different contexts. Egyptologist Mark Lehner proposed in 2010 that some hieroglyphs may have represented multiple sounds or concepts, rather than just one.

Text 2

Recent research on Egyptian hieroglyphics suggests that many symbols could function as logograms (representing whole words), phonograms (representing sounds), or determinatives (indicating the category of a word) depending on their context within a text. For instance, the symbol for "bread" could also be used to represent the sound "t" in certain words. Thus, reading hieroglyphics required an understanding of how symbols could shift in meaning based on their usage.

Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to Text 1?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

9) Many economists argue that the proliferation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum could provide a stabilizing force for global financial markets, as cryptocurrencies are not dependent on traditional banking systems and government-issued currency controls. Which finding, if true, would most directly support this argument?

Category: verbal - claim-hypotheses

10) On the island of Madagascar, the critically endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) lives in the island's eastern rainforests. The lemurs are essential for the pollination of many plants within the rainforest, as their only food source is nectar, fruit, and leaves of certain plants. Environmentalists have been lobbying for the protection of these lemurs as a way to also conserve the plants that are vital to their ecosystem. Which finding, if true, would most directly support the environmentalists' claim?

Category: graphverbal


With the digital age fully upon us, the Riverdale Education Foundation has made significant investments to integrate technology into the local school curriculum. Their latest initiative involved awarding grants to schools for purchasing computers and digital learning tools. The foundation set out with the goal of dramatically improving students' computer literacy rates within a three-year period, aiming for a clear majority of students to be proficient in necessary digital skills...

Given the data in the stacked bar graph, which of the following statements would be the best ending for the paragraph above?

Category: verbal-complaation

12) With the increasing use of social media platforms, concerns have been raised about the potential negative impact of these platforms on users' mental health. Research has shown links between heavy social media use and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, particularly among younger users. Various measures have been proposed to address this issue, including implementing features that promote healthier usage habits, regulating advertising targeting vulnerable populations, and educating users on the potential risks associated with excessive social media use. If steps taken by social media platforms and regulators effectively mitigate these negative impacts on mental health, the outcome could potentially _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-complaation

13) The use of public transportation, such as buses and trains, has been promoted as a key sustainability measure in urban centers, as it can help reduce traffic congestion, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigate air pollution. However, many cities struggle to maintain and expand their public transportation infrastructure due to funding constraints and competing priorities. As a result, some urban planners and policymakers have begun to explore the potential of emerging technologies, such as ridesharing services, autonomous vehicles, and smart transportation systems, to complement and enhance existing public transportation options. If these investments in innovative transportation solutions can effectively address urban mobility challenges, they could _______ Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-Tense

14) Upon entering the room, Maria _______ that all the decorations for the surprise party were in place and the guests were hiding quietly.
Which choice completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

15) Melissa has worked for multiple organizations throughout her career. Her experience includes roles in marketing, public relations, and event planning ___________ valuable skills in communication, organization, and creativity.

Category: verbal- colon/semicolon

16) The science museum offers interactive exhibits that capture the interest of both children and adults _________ displays focused on technology, space exploration, and biology among other fields.

Category: verbal-paralelism

17) The successful entrepreneur attributes her accomplishments to keen networking skills, a diligent work ethic, and ____. She believes these qualities have been essential to her achievements.

Category: verbal-commas

18) It was a beautiful, sunny day on campus, and the students began gathering for the big event of the year: the annual charity fundraiser. Various clubs volunteered, setting up stands__________.

Category: verbal-commas

19) The local zoo has a wide array of animals such as giraffes, zebras, lions, and even crocodiles. Visitors can enjoy walking around, watching the animals, and learning about them through interactive exhibits.__________.

Category: verbal-modifiers

20) The ancient ruins, steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, fascinated experts and tourists alike. Painstakingly excavated over the years and carefully preserved, __________________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

Category: verbal-redundancy

21) To ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens, local governments typically provide essential services such as waste management, clean water supplies, and emergency response teams. Another fundamental service offered by most municipalities is the _________.

Category: verbal-transitions

22) Although artificial intelligence has the potential to greatly enhance efficiency and productivity across various industries, it also raises many ethical questions and concerns. _______, it is important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks when implementing such technologies. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

23) As the ice caps continue to melt at an alarming rate, global sea levels are expected to rise, putting coastal communities at an increased risk of flooding. ______, these same communities are likely to face more frequent extreme weather events due to climate change. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-transitions

24) While daily physical exercise has undoubtedly been shown to improve overall health and well-being, its impact on mental health should not be underestimated. ______, recent studies have found that incorporating regular physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Which choice most logically completes the text?

Category: verbal-summarisation

25) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Harriet Tubman was an African-American abolitionist, suffragist, and former slave.

• She is best known for her role as a conductor on the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes used by slaves to escape to freedom.

• Tubman guided hundreds of slaves to freedom during her time as a conductor.

• She also was a spy, scout, and nurse for the Union Army during the American Civil War.

The student wants to emphasize Harriet Tubman's impact as an iconic figure for freedom and equality. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

26) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440.

• It is considered one of the most significant inventions in human history.

• The printing press revolutionized the dissemination of information, leading to increased literacy and the spread of knowledge.

• The invention of the printing press paved the way for the modern age of mass communication.

The student wants to illustrate the Gutenberg Printing Press's historical significance and its transformative impact on society. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Category: verbal-summarisation

27) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

• Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive technology that simulates physical presence in a digital environment.

• VR applications include gaming, training, education, and therapy.

• Virtual reality devices include headsets, controllers, and haptic feedback systems.

• The technology is rapidly evolving, and experts predict it will continue to have a growing impact on various industries.

The student wants to inform an audience about the potential of virtual reality and its applications. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

Module 1 - Math

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-Math Module 1- Module

1 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

1. A rectangular garden has a length of 30 feet and a width of 10 feet. What is the perimeter of the garden?

2 / 24

Category: math-arithmetic word problems

2. Tom invests $10,000 in a compound interest account that earns 5% interest per year, compounded quarterly. If the interest is calculated annually, approximately how much money will Tom have after 5 years?

3 / 24

Category: math-statistics

3. The test scores of a group of students are given as follows: 95, 90, 92, 89, 96, 85, 91, 98, 90, and 93. What is the mode of the data?

4 / 24

Category: math-statistics

4. The heights of ten basketball players are 159, 173, 182, 187, 193, 194, 199, 201, 204, and 212 cm. What is the range of their heights?

5 / 24

Category: math-statistics

5. The average height of a group of 35 students is 63 inches. If one student joins the group, and his height is 78 inches, what will be the new average height of the group?

6 / 24

Category: math-grid

6. If the sum of the squares of two consecutive odd integers is 450, what is the largest of these two integers?

7 / 24

Category: math-grid

7. The equation P = 2l + 2w describes the perimeter of a rectangle with length l and width w. If the perimeter is 24, and the length is 2 more than the width, what are the dimensions of the rectangle ? (separate numbers with a comma)

8 / 24

Category: math-grid

8. If x and y are integers such that 2x + 3y = 21 and 3x + 2y = 20, what is the value of x + y?

9 / 24

Category: math-grid

9. A triangle has angles of 45 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. If the length of the hypotenuse is 20, what is the area of the triangle?

10 / 24

Category: math-algebra

10. Find the x-intercept of the linear equation 2x - 4y = 12.

11 / 24

Category: math-algebra

11. Solve the following equation for x: 4x² - 12x = 0.

12 / 24

Category: math-algebra

12. If f(x) = 2x² - 6x + 5, find the value of f(3).

13 / 24

Category: math-polynomials

13. Factor the polynomial 6x² - 7x - 20

14 / 24

Category: math-sequences

14. In an arithmetic sequence, if the first term is a₁ = 4 and the common difference d = -1, what is the 5th term of the sequence?

15 / 24

Category: math-sequences

15. In a geometric sequence, the second term a₂ = 6 and the fifth term a₅ = 486. What is the first term of the sequence?

16 / 24

Category: math-geometry

16. What is the length of the diagonal of a square with side length 8?

17 / 24

Category: math-geometry

17. In triangle PQR, angle P is 30 degrees, angle Q is 60 degrees, and side PQ has a length of 10. What is the length of side QR?

18 / 24

Category: math-trigonometry

18. In a right triangle ABC, angle A = 90° and angle B = 30°. If the hypotenuse (BC) has a length of 12 cm, find the length of side AB.

19 / 24

Category: math-graph


The function f(x) is graphed . If g(x) = f(x)-1, which of the following statements is true?


20 / 24

Category: math-graph


In the figure shown, BC = 5, and the length of line segment AD is half the length of line segment CD. What is the length of line segment DE?

21 / 24

Category: math-graph


The functions f(x) and g(x) are graphed in the xy-plane and their graphs show that the equation f(x) = g(x) has two solutions. Which of the following functions h represents a set of transformations on f after which the equation h(x) = g(x) has no solutions?

22 / 24

Category: math-graph


The scatterplot shows the total number of home runs hit in major league baseball, in ten-year intervals, for selected years. The line of best fit for the data is also shown. Which of the following is closest to the difference between the actual number of home runs and the number predicted by the line of best fit in 2003?


23 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

23. A factory produces 800 toys every 8 hours. If the factory operates for 20 hours, but during the last 5 hours, the production rate is increased by 50%, how many toys will the factory produce in total during the 20-hour period?

24 / 24

Category: math-aritmetic world problems

24. A recipe requires 7 cups of flour for every 15 cookies. If you want to make 45 cookies, how many cups of flour do you need?

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Module 2 - Math

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-Math Module 2- Module

1. Alex wants to save $250 for a new smartphone. He saves $50 each week. How many weeks will he need to save the required amount of money?

2. In a box of chocolates, 30% are dark chocolate and 70% are milk chocolate. If there are 60 chocolates in the box, how many are dark chocolate?




3. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 blue balls, and 2 green balls. If two balls are drawn without replacement, what is the probability of drawing a red ball followed by a blue ball?

4. A jar contains 5 red marbles, 7 blue marbles, and 3 green marbles. If a marble is drawn and then replaced, what is the probability of drawing a red marble twice in a row?

5. A pair of unbiased dice are thrown. What is the probability of getting a total of 8 from the two dice?

6. A triangle has sides measuring 7 cm, 24 cm, and 25 cm. Is the triangle a right triangle?

7. A car rental company charges $25 per day plus an extra $0.15 per mile driven. How many miles can someone drive in one day on a budget of $50?

8. A circle with a radius of 10 cm is inscribed inside a square. What is the area of the square?

9. The width of a rectangle is 25% smaller than its length. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 80 meters, what is the area of the rectangle, in square meters?

10. Which of the following represents a system of equations that has no solution?

11. What is the solution to the rational equation (x - 2)/(x + 3) = (3 - x)/(4 - x)?

12. What is the solution to the inequality 4x - 5 > 3x + 6?

13. Simplify the expression: 4x³ + 7x² - 4x³ + 2x² + 3x

14. Given a geometric sequence with the first term a₁ = 5 and the sum of the first 5 terms S₅ = 781, what is the common ratio r?

15. For a geometric sequence, given the first term a₁ = 3 and the common ratio r = 2, what is the 5th term of the sequence?

16. A trapezoid has parallel sides of lengths 10 and 14, and a height of 6. What is the area of the trapezoid?

17. In a trapezoid, the lengths of the parallel sides are 12 and 16, and the height is 10. What is the area of the trapezoid?

18. A right triangle has one angle measuring 45° and sides of lengths 7 cm and 7 cm. Identify the type of the triangle.


What is the median of the data set summarized in the frequency table?


The function f models Jack's pulse, in beats per minute (bpm), as a function of his speed, in kilometers per hour (km/h), on a stationary bicycle. Based on the model, what was Jack's pulse, in bpm, when his speed was 0 km/h?


Which of the following is true about the standard deviations of the two data sets in the table ?




In the figure, triangles ABC and DBE are right triangles. What is cos B?

23. In a group of 60 people, 25 people like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, 15 people like only chocolate ice cream, and 12 people like only vanilla ice cream. How many people in the group like neither chocolate nor vanilla ice cream?

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