Sure, I’d be happy to provide some tips and tricks for tackling redundancy questions on the Digital SAT English section. Here are some pointers for the student preparing for this type of question:

1. **Understand the concept**: Redundancy refers to the unnecessary repetition of meaning within a sentence. It’s important to grasp that for redundancy to occur, the repeated words or phrases must convey precisely the same meaning and serve the same function in the sentence.

2. **Develop an eye for redundancy**: As mentioned, there are no consistent “tip-off” clues for redundancy errors. You’ll need to train your eye to spot repetitive words or phrases that convey the same idea. This skill comes with practice and exposure to various examples.

3. **Pay attention to synonyms**: Redundancy can occur when two words or phrases that are synonymous are used together unnecessarily. Be on the lookout for pairs of words that mean the same thing, such as “tiny” and “minuscule,” or “commence” and “begin.”

4. **Watch out for redundant modifiers**: Redundancy can also involve the use of redundant modifiers, such as “past history” or “future plans.” These phrases are redundant because “history” implies something in the past, and “plans” refer to the future.

5. **Eliminate redundant elements carefully**: When you identify a redundancy, carefully consider which part of the repetition can be eliminated without altering the intended meaning or structure of the sentence.

6. **Practice with examples**: Familiarize yourself with various examples of redundancy errors. Analyze the sentences, identify the redundant elements, and practice rephrasing them concisely.

7. **Pay attention to common redundant phrases**: Some redundant phrases, like “the reason is because,” tend to appear more frequently on the SAT. Make a note of these and practice identifying and correcting them.

8. **Consider context**: While identifying redundancy, always consider the context of the sentence. Sometimes, words that may seem redundant at first glance might be used intentionally for emphasis or stylistic purposes.

9. **Eliminate repetitive structures**: In addition to redundant words or phrases, be on the lookout for repetitive sentence structures that unnecessarily repeat information.

10. **Stay focused**: Redundancy questions can be tricky, as they often involve subtle nuances. Maintain your focus and read each sentence carefully to avoid missing redundant elements.

11. **Practice, practice, practice**: The more you expose yourself to redundancy questions and practice identifying and correcting redundant elements, the better you’ll become at recognizing and addressing them on the actual exam.

Remember, redundancy questions on the Digital SAT English section require careful reading and a keen eye for unnecessary repetition of meaning. With consistent practice and the application of these tips and tricks, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle these types of questions successfully.

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