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Verbal Quiz - Vocabulary Questions

1 / 5

1. The recent increase in illegal logging activities raises concerns about the long-term effects on animal populations and their habitats. The ______ nature of these activities makes them difficult to monitor and control.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

2 / 5

2. Despite repeated attempts by the company to improve its working conditions, the employees remained ______, raising concerns among the management team about their dedication to the organization.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

3 / 5

3. Despite a promising start, the restaurant's _____ menu left patrons feeling overwhelmed, leading to its eventual decline in popularity and difficulty attracting repeat customers.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

4 / 5

4. According to a recent study, the ocean's rising temperature is severely impacting its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, which accelerates the feedback loops of climate change. The alarming situation requires ______ intervention to limit further damage.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

5 / 5

5. Access to adequate education is considered a fundamental human right, yet millions of children worldwide are denied this essential resource due to factors such as conflict, poverty, and _____.
Which choice most logically and precisely completes the text?

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Verbal Quiz - Paralelism

1 / 5

1. After practicing her violin, Maria loved to relax  ____, reading a riveting novel, and enjoying a cup of her favorite tea. These activities helped her unwind and prepare for the following day's tasks.

2 / 5

2. Margot's novel was praised for its complex, relatable characters, the intricate, suspenseful storyline, and ____. Critics agreed that her work was a masterpiece.

3 / 5

3. The architect aimed to design innovative structures, create sustainable building materials, and ____. These goals reflected his forward-thinking approach to his profession.

4 / 5

4. The head chef demanded that his kitchen staff work diligently, maintain a clean workstation, and ____. Adhering to these principles ensured the restaurant's high standards were upheld.

5 / 5

5. To better understand the subject, Roger spent time talking with experts, reading relevant literature, and ____. He wanted to become knowledgeable in various aspects of the topic.

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Verbal Quiz - Modifiers

1 / 5

1. Walking through the park on a beautiful summer day, ______________________, which made the experience truly delightful.

2 / 5

2. The coastal city, known for its mild climate and stunning beaches, has become a popular tourist destination. Visitors flock to the area to enjoy water sports, explore historic landmarks, and _____________________________________.

3 / 5

3. As the athlete sprinted around the track, ______________________, and the crowd roared in excitement.

4 / 5

4. In response to the growing demand for remote work opportunities, the company developed an innovative software solution that facilitated seamless collaboration among team members. This powerful tool enabled users to _______________________________________.

5 / 5

5. The nonprofit organization was dedicated to providing free educational resources to underserved communities. Launched as a small initiative, it grew rapidly under the guidance of devoted volunteers, __________________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

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Verbal Quiz - Independent clause / Run-ons / Fragments

1 / 5

1. The school's debate team was preparing for an upcoming competition, the stakes were high this year as they hoped to defend their championship title. The team spent countless hours researching, writing, and practicing ________ they could deliver convincing, persuasive arguments under pressure.

2 / 5

2. Jonah volunteered at the food bank, dedicating his time and energy to help address food insecurity in his community. He sorted and packed groceries, distributed meals to families in need, and assisted with fundraising events ________ Jonah made a positive impact on the lives of many people.

3 / 5

3. The astronomy club spent a clear evening stargazing at a dark site far from city lights. They observed constellations, witnessed meteor showers, and even caught a glimpse of the elusive Northern Lights ________ it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that they would never forget.

4 / 5

4. The city held its annual marathon, attracting thousands of participants and spectators. Enthusiastic runners completed the 26.2-mile course, their friends and family cheered them on from the sidelines ________ the endurance and dedication of the athletes were truly inspiring.

5 / 5

5. The photography club organized an outdoor excursion to capture the beauty of the nearby national park. Club members spent the day exploring the park, taking pictures of pristine landscapes, diverse wildlife, and stunning vistas ________ they shared their best photographs during their next club meeting.

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Verbal Quiz - Commas

1 / 5

1. David loves to travel to different cities and especially enjoys visiting museums, local restaurants, and__________.

2 / 5

2. During the road trip, they saw numerous unique sights such as grand canyons, scenic coastlines, and_______.

3 / 5

3. In the school cafeteria, students can choose from a variety of meals, including pizza, salad, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.__________.

4 / 5

4. The science teacher demonstrated the experiment, explaining each step in detail, and encouraging the students to ask questions.__________.

5 / 5

5. When preparing dinner, the chef chopped onions, minced garlic, and sliced tomatoes.__________.

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Verbal Quiz - Colon / Semicolon questions

1 / 5

1. Melissa has worked for multiple organizations throughout her career. Her experience includes roles in marketing, public relations, and event planning ___________ valuable skills in communication, organization, and creativity.

2 / 5

2. Rachel's book collection is extensive, spanning multiple genres and time periods. She especially enjoys historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy novels ___________ works by Jane Austen, H.G. Wells, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

3 / 5

3. The bookstore hosts a variety of events throughout the year for literature enthusiasts, such as book signings, author panels, and writing workshops _________ they also provide a cozy gathering space for local book clubs.

4 / 5

4. After graduating from college, Sarah decided to pursue a career in journalism ___________ she has written articles for various newspapers and online publications covering a broad range of topics.

5 / 5

5. The restaurant's menu offers a wide variety of dishes, ranging from traditional entrees to exotic fusion dishes, using fresh ingredients sourced from local farms _________ the chef prides himself on crafting visually stunning presentations.

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Verbal Quiz - Redundancy

1 / 5

1. Recognizing the importance of fostering a love for reading from an early age, the school library launched a reading challenge for its younger students. Each month, students are encouraged to read books from various genres, track their progress, and collect rewards for their accomplishments. This initiative has not only helped students become more avid readers but has also broadened their exposure to ________.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

2 / 5

2. The science department at the high school saw an increase in students' interest in space exploration. To capitalize on this enthusiasm, the school arranged a special event in collaboration with a local planetarium, where students had the opportunity to view celestial objects through high-powered telescopes and attend presentations about the latest discoveries in ________.

3 / 5

3. It is a common observation that students who actively participate in extracurricular activities often develop valuable skills that help them succeed academically. In addition to improving physical fitness or learning a new hobby, such activities also encourage teamwork, leadership, and _______, all of which are essential for academic success.

4 / 5

4. The English department at the high school decided to introduce an intensive reading program for struggling students. By focusing on daily drills, guided practice, and providing the students with a strong foundation of _________, the program helped them become more confident and proficient readers.

5 / 5

5. Environmental science courses have gained significant popularity, with a growing number of students interested in understanding the impact humans have on the earth and learning _________.

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Verbal Quiz - Transitions

1 / 5

1. After being extensively trained by elite chefs in some of the world's finest restaurants, Jeremy had honed his cooking skills to near-perfection. _______, working at such establishments had familiarized him with the art of creating visually stunning presentations for his dishes.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?


2 / 5

2. Large corporations often invest in research and development to advance their products and maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries. ______, many smaller companies struggle to allocate sufficient funds for such endeavors, instead relying on creativity and innovation to improve existing solutions. Which choice most logically completes the text?

3 / 5

3. Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power that has the potential to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. _______, wind energy also offers a sustainable solution to meet our energy needs in an environmentally responsible way. Which choice most logically completes the text?

4 / 5

4. Spider silk's incredible strength and flexibility make it a highly desirable material for numerous industrial applications, such as bulletproof vests, surgical sutures, and lightweight cables. _______, this remarkable natural substance is challenging to produce and harvest at a large scale, limiting its widespread use. Which choice most logically completes the text?

5 / 5

5. The Beauxbaton Academy is well known for its rigorous academic program and prestigious faculty, attracting students from all over the country. _______, it boasts state-of-the-art facilities and breathtaking campus scenery, making it a beautiful and inspiring environment for learning. Which choice most logically completes the text?

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Verbal Quiz - Tenses

1 / 5

1. After spending hours researching online, Alex _______ the most suitable computer for his needs and made the purchase.
What verb completes the text according to the rules of Standard English?

2 / 5

2. Earlier this year, the scientist _______ a book outlining the potential consequences of unchecked climate change, and it quickly became a bestseller.
Which choice completes the text according to the conventions of Standard English?

3 / 5

3. The inexperienced actor, equipped only with an ambition to succeed, _______ his leading role with apprehension and palpable excitement.
Which choice completes the text following the rules of Standard English?

4 / 5

4. When Sally ________ the door, she found a mysterious package on her doorstep, wrapped in plain brown paper.
Which choice aligns with the rules of Standard English?

5 / 5

5. When the news broke out, people ______ to social media platforms to express their opinions on the controversial topic.
Which choice follows the rules of Standard English to complete the text?

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Verbal Quiz - Sentence function questions

1 / 5

1. An increasing number of consumers are opting to make more sustainable choices when shopping for food products. To cater to this demand, many grocery stores now offer sections dedicated to organic, locally-sourced, and cruelty-free products. These dedicated sections make it easier for consumers to find and purchase items aligning with their personal values and commitment to sustainable practices. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

2 / 5

2. Angela Williams, a successful entrepreneur, credits a large portion of her success to her mentor, Thomas Wright. During their five-year mentorship, Thomas provided guidance, constructive feedback, and advice on key business decisions as Angela was building her company.Today, Angela's business is thriving, and she seeks to mentor other young entrepreneurs in her community. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

3 / 5

3. Dr. Maria Gonzales has been studying the effects of sleep on cognitive function in adolescents. Her research includes analyzing the academic performance of high school students who sleep for varying amounts of time each night.Gonzales' findings suggest that students who consistently get at least eight hours of sleep perform better on exams and have higher overall grade point averages. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

4 / 5

4. Environmental activist Jane Hudson argues that reducing plastic waste is crucial to preserving marine life. She cites a report estimating that approximately eight million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans each year, posing a significant threat to marine ecosystems.Hudson proposes implementing plastic product bans and promoting public awareness about the impact of plastic waste to help combat this issue. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

5 / 5

5. Green City Solutions is a company that developed the CityTree, an innovative structure designed to improve air quality in urban areas. The CityTree is made up of moss cultures that absorb pollutants and produces clean air, with one CityTree providing the same effect as 275 urban trees.The company hopes that the implementation of CityTrees in cities worldwide will help combat air pollution. Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

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Verbal Quiz - Subject-verb agreement

1 / 5

1. A balanced diet and regular exercise ____________ essential for maintaining good health and well-being, as they provide the necessary nutrients and physical activity needed for optimal body function.

2 / 5

2. An increasing number of companies and organizations ____________ the importance of incorporating sustainable practices into their daily operations, not only for the environment but also for long-term profitability.

3 / 5

3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning ____________ the potential to revolutionize industries and create new job opportunities, but they also pose the challenge of displacement for certain roles in the workforce.

4 / 5

4. As one of our planet's most precious resources, clean water ____________ conservation efforts and responsible usage by individuals, industries, and governments alike.

5 / 5

5. The amount of data produced by individuals and organizations ____________ exponentially in the past several years, leading to increased demand for data storage solutions and data analysis expertise.

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